Modern Day Uses for Crystals

Modern Day Uses for Crystals

Crystals and minerals have been used for centuries as metaphysical healing stones but they also have many other uses in society as well. Science discovered long ago that crystals act as holding receptacles for energy. They are used to help everything from navigation to computer technology. The following is a list that contains many of the things we rely on in modern society that have the power of crystals in them:

  • Quartz crystals are used in computers as oscillators to record time
  • LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display; LCD’s can be found in flat screen TV’s, digital clocks, and electronic picture frames etc.
  • Quartz crystals are used in the cooling systems of refrigerators
  • Silica crystals are used to absorb odors in everything from cat litter boxes to the insides of refrigerators
  • Selenite is ground up to use for plaster
  • Quartz has the ability to store information; on the tip of a pinhead 150,000 bits of information can be stored
  • Quartz crystals are contained inside fiber optic wiring that runs from the cable company to a home
  • Humans have Kelsite crystals in our ears which help us to stay balanced
  • Madam Curie discovered that metal emits piazal electricity which is found in tourmaline and quartz
  • Dandelions are high in iron
  • Iron is found in high concentrations in meteor showers which while falling to earth help to cleanse the environment of energy debris
  • Magnetite is used to connect to the North and South Poles
  • Homing pigeons have magnetic crystals called lodestones in their brains that help them to know where to go (a study put battery packs on the bodies of some pigeons and the energy emitted from the batteries interrupted the frequency of the lodestone so the pigeons became disoriented)
  • In order for a space shuttle to come back to earth it has to be coated with iron to connect with the earth energy field, otherwise it would burn up
  • Clay is a protective barrier that all crystals are embedded in inside the earth
  • Blue green plants hold the same healing energy as blue green crystals
  • Every crystal in the universe has its own unique bar code, much like a fingerprint
  • Rubies are used in lasers
  • Fluorite is used in fluoride toothpaste
  • Halite is a form of table salt that is used in cooking
  • Slate is used as blackboard material in schools
  • Chalk is used as a writing utensil
  • Mica is used as an ingredient in some eye shadows
  • Hematite is used to make nails in construction
  • Gypsum is used to create wall board that is put up in buildings to create walls
  • Chalcopyrite is used to create copper wires
  • Coal is used as fuel to heat buildings and drive vehicles
  • Graphite is used to make pencil lead

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om laura


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