The Symbolic Meaning of the Number Two
[bctt tweet=”The symbolic meaning of two, does it resonate with you?” username=”divinelotusheal”]
While teaching Reiki II yesterday a question arose about the energetic symbolic meaning of the number two. One of my students said he’d been seeing triple two’s lately.
Here are some meanings behind the energetic symbolic meaning of the number two:
Drunvalo meaning:
222- The beginning of a new cycle. We do not know the nature of the cycle until the next triple number shows up
Doreen Virtue meaning:
222- newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality
Denise Linn meaning:
22- unlimited potential mind, body and spirit
I have been seeing the numbers 222 for at least ten years via digital clocks. I always wondered what it meant.
And now you have a possible answer Debonnie 🙂
So tue Sherry! And, you posted your remarks on 2.2.12, nice coincidence 🙂
Two’s duality…as in dual…it speaks of balance, ying and yanf, for up there must be down, good versus evil, etc. Often also seen when there is a problem related to balance or decision/choice. Often tarot cards that are two’s also speak of balance, duality and ying and yang.
Hi Wizardess, you should read about the energetic meaning of one’s:
I often find that when things are brought to my attention from outside sources that it’s a way of introducing it into my life… I hope two’s come true for you too! 🙂
I often end up checking a clock at 11:11, either AM or PM. To me, it has always seemed like an ominous time, but now I hear that it is when a wish is likely to be granted! I wonder if I will start seeing 2s now that you’ve made me aware of the number.
Oooooo, new beginnings of some fashion for you both Em! 🙂
Interesting! Thank you for posting this–we have noticed “222” around here so much lately that my husband and I even have a special voice we say the digits in when we run across yet another example or happen to look at the clock at that time.