My Doorbell Ghost

This is the true story of a ghost who kept ringing my doorbell.



For several years after we moved into a rental before buying, beginning in 2004, our doorbell would ring on its own. The button on the outside of the house was wired to a box on the inside, on the wall just by the front door. It was one of those rings that sounds like, “Ding dong, ding dang (pause) ding dang, ding dong,” if you can picture that in your head! It was a bit early for us to have one of these WiFi doorbells you see nowadays, so this doorbell ringing on its own was very mysterious.

At first we brushed it off as a short in the wires because the house was built in the 1940’s and we didn’t know when the wires were last updated (not that old though we know!). We had the owner’s son, who worked for an internet cable company, take a look but he could find nothing wrong. It got to the point where multiple times a day the doorbell would ring and we’d open it up to nobody standing on the porch.

I got curious and began keeping a record log. I recorded the time, day of the week, and date. Interestingly, some patterns began emerging. It would ring around 10 am, 1pm, and any time after 8pm most days.

This went on for months.

Lots of Fridays, Saturdays, and Mondays but curiously, in all the pages and pages I’ve logged, there is not one single day it ever rang on a Tuesday. Go figure?

I began getting premonitions as to when it would ring, and I’d say to my husband, “The doorbell ghost is here!” And sure enough, minutes later, sometimes even seconds, the bell would ring. After about a year of this continuing with me logging each ring, I realized I should be doing some kind of test theory.

So, when I got the impressions, I would ask out loud for the bell to ring. Of course it would ring so I would ask for it to ring a second time. It always rang twice, but only when I asked. If I didn’t ask, it would only ring once.

And, the same thing would occur when I would ask it to ring three times in a row.

After this happened for a few months, because I couldn’t figure out what else to do, and it didn’t really bother us, the rings stopped. But here is the interesting part: They stopped right after our refrigerator motor burned out and caught on fire. Luckily it did no damage to the home, but the fire department had to come in and use their hose. Was the doorbell ghost trying to tell us something about the old refrigerator? Who knows for sure, only the ghost I guess.

Have you ever experienced spirit presence in your home? Share in the comments below!

om laura


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