Types of Psychic Abilities
There are several different types of psychic abilities.
The four main types of psychic abilities are:
Clairvoyant– psychic sight
Clairsentient– psychic feeling
Clairaudient– psychic hearing
Claircognizant– psychic knowing or intuition
Everyone uses these types of psychic abilities. Some people have tapped in and are conscious of the fact that they are using their sixth sense, others have yet to awaken or practice if they so choose.
Predominant psychic ability use can fluctuate over time. One psychic ability type may be used more at one period in a person’s life, then change to a completely different ability. Conversely, more than one psychic ability can be open at the same time and can stay open for a lifetime.
With meditation and continued practice in opening, everyone can achieve active psychic  ability use.
I am a clairsentiense with highly intuitive empathic abilities
So lovely, thank you for sharing Melissa!
I have seen spirits on and off most of my life. Mostly I can sense it. I can see orbs and the ones that are usually around me and my son are white, blue and orange.
So Lovely Kimberly! Thank you for sharing 🙂
I really need someone i can talk to and trust about these abilities. .. i never have i have had things experienced things as early as childhood it scared me to death i didnt dare tell my mother about what i experienced dreams came true exactly next day good and bad terrified me as early as 9yrs old i was victim of child abuse through years tons if other experiences i want to develop i am now 45 some are now weakened i am not afraid i can talk on phone i am disabled i dont ha/e tons of money but yes i feel a big part of me always gone or fighting to be free . Email [email protected]
Hi Dawn! There a several groups on facebook that you can join. There are some that specifically are for support for people with abilities. You can ask questions, people there are always willing to help. They will help guide you and learn to develop your abilities.
Thanks so much for the tips Betty!
I have been sensitive to spirits since i was a child. I have seen spirits.. Usually a grey haze of a figure. I can usually tell what sex they are, about what age and time period. The strongest are my feelings.. One encounter i had was so strong that i was crying uncontrollably. I dont like this at all. The feelings are too overwhelming at times. My intuition is always spot on.
Nice post! But, is mediumship one of psychic abilities? I hear a lot about this ability in which a reader can contact the spirit of the dead! And while a medium can be a psychic, not all psychics are mediums!
You are correct Hung; I’ve written about just this very thing here: https://divinelotushealing.com/difference-between-psychics-mediums/
Great post! I have personally not experienced any but I read recently about this topic and found out that so many people really have experienced this abilities. I would like to know, are these abilities learned or are these only given to chosen people?
Thanks for leaving a nice comment Emmerey Rose! Everyone is psychic, this just needs to be developed, which is why I offer the Psychic & Spiritual Development classes and meditations for awakening our skills in my online shop on occasion. Not everyone is a medium, someone who can speak with the dead. This skill can be developed even further and strengthened for those who have it.
Thanks Laura for responding! helps a lot. I’d love to see updates from you, is there a way I can follow you on Facebook or any social media you have?
Sure thing Emmerey Rose, the links to all my social media are currently in the footer of my website. The best way to stay informed is to sign up for the email list… everything I do gets emailed and you won’t miss it like on social media (thanks to social media post limiting algorithms).
Great! Thanks Laura!