Book Review: Reliance on the Light
Psychic Protection with the Lords of Karma and the Goddess by Diane Stein
If you are doing any kind of psychic development work in your life (or if you experience ghosts, spirits, or divine energies in ANY form) you should consider reading Reliance on the Light: Psychic Protection with the Lords of Karma and the Goddess (affiliate link, read the full policy here.) by Diane Stein. She is one of my favorite female metaphysical authors. She wrote this book as a comprehensive energy protection system for a person’s entire life – your home, your work place, the land you live on, your car, your personal energy space, your family energy space, etc.
I think the book flows and the content is easily understood. This is an asset for people just starting out on the energy protection path. I only have one small gripe with the book. The first chapter has a doom and gloom feel to it. Ms. Stein has had experiences with what she calls grey aliens and the chapter left me with a creepy feeling. I don’t doubt her credibility. I just prefer lighter reading material. Once you get through the first chapter, the rest of the book has a more positive feel.
Use it like a work book, take your time with each chapter. It took me about six months to get through it all because I took my time to meditate on each of the exercises. My husband even joined me in some of the meditations, which made the positive energy flowing through our home all the more strong. I even use some of the techniques in my classes with students!
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