Essential Oils for Constipation Support

Essential Oils for Constipation Support Constipation is a condition characterized by infrequent or difficult bowel movements. A person is considered constipated if he or she has fewer than three bowel movements a week or if the stools are hard and difficult to expel. Common causes of constipation include lack [...]

Essential Oils for Constipation Support2021-11-06T11:34:19-04:00

Remember Your Greatness Channeled Message

Sometimes, life can be surprising. Like, in the middle of my work day - busy with back to back clients, and the Council of Light come through. Unexpected. Fun. Surprising. Always welcome. Listen to their short blessing and message: VIDEO PODCAST Remember your greatness. Strive [...]

Remember Your Greatness Channeled Message2020-08-09T15:15:43-04:00

Golden Divine Light Meditation

I'm so excited to share this news with you today! I've FINALLY done it - the thing I've been thinking about and working on for almost a YEAR! Watch: Click the image below to get this meditation:     [bctt tweet="Use this #meditation to protect your #psychic energetic boundaries. [...]

Golden Divine Light Meditation2017-08-25T19:22:28-04:00

Essential Oils for Bug Bites Support

Essential Oils for Bug Bites SupportOne of my greatest joys is sitting outside in the cool evening of summer enjoying family, friends and conversation. Along with this comes bug bites, which is one of my greatest annoyances. They seem to love me.Just last weekend while I was at Kripalu Center [...]

Essential Oils for Bug Bites Support2019-08-19T19:37:10-04:00

Redwoods Channeled Message

Redwoods Channeled Message Podcast Setting the Stage When I was in California, I had the great fortune to visit Muir Woods where I learned that although the Redwood trees there are not the widest Redwoods (that distinction is reserved for the giant sequoias in the Sierra [...]

Redwoods Channeled Message2020-08-09T15:33:14-04:00

40 and Fierce

40 and Fierce Today I turn 40. And on the card I got last week from a dear friend, it said, "Congratulations! 40 and Fierce!" I feel it. This marks the turning of a page into a new chapter in my life. I'm slipping into the decade of my [...]

40 and Fierce2017-06-19T05:32:29-04:00

The doTERRA Woody Oils

The doTERRA Wood Oils I recently had a client email me with a question about wood scented oils. She had bought a couple (not doTERRA) that were unpleasant to her olfactory system and she was looking for some new suggestions. Gosh, did she come to the right place! I've [...]

The doTERRA Woody Oils2021-11-26T18:25:27-05:00

How to Use Reiki to Support Eyes + Freebie

How to Use Reiki to Support Eyes [bctt tweet="Use this protocol to support eye health by using #reiki + download the free recording form. #energyhealing #wholeyou" via="no"] A blog reader recently submitted this question for how to use Reiki to support eyes, specifically treating glaucoma, which is a condition of increased [...]

How to Use Reiki to Support Eyes + Freebie2019-08-02T11:29:13-04:00

Essential Oils 101

Essential Oils 101 Natural Wellness Care Through Plant Power As an herbalist, I have long understood the benefits and uses of essential oils for wellness in the home and for the family. In fact, essential oil use has been widely known through the generations, across all continents, and by [...]

Essential Oils 1012021-11-26T18:27:04-05:00

Reads Lately

Reads Lately [bctt tweet="When you do things you love, they become habits. #gratitudepractice #Mindfulness" username="divinelotusheal"] I read. I read a lot. How does a woman with two careers and a family find the time to read, you might wonder? Habit. I've been reading almost every night of my life since [...]

Reads Lately2017-01-28T14:16:29-05:00
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