Divine Lotus Healing Council of Light Channeled Message Teachers Who Work with Metaphysics

Council of Light Channeled Message: Teachers Who Work with Metaphysics

Via Laura West

May 27, 2009

The following message was channeled to me while I was taking a crystal healing seminar. As the day went on I became increasingly aware of the fact that I was getting messages from the Council of Light, the divine group of light beings that I channel.

I was receiving messages about the information we were learning and corollary topics and I was furiously writing down the messages in my notebook as fast as I could while at the same time still learning about properties of crystal healing. It was an interesting six hours for my brain!

The following short, sweet message was referencing people who work in the education world and who are also interested in the spiritual world. (Think public school teachers who believe in angels, etc.)

Channeled Message:

“Teachers who also do this metaphysical work are helping to find answers and antidotes to young children diagnosed with issues, such as autism. People who open themselves up to the possibilities of other realms of information are allowing pure knowledge to come through to them.


[bctt tweet=”We invite you to take risks and challenge mainstream beliefs. #CouncilofLight” username=”divinelotusheal”]


There are reasons why so many children in the United States, especially boys, are being labeled with mental dysfunctions and behavior problems. Humanity has lessons to learn and can go in many directions. Some paths will end up in places that help humanity along, and if you pay attention to the signs that are being shown from the helpers around you, society will change for the better. You must work hard at achieving this. It will not be easy, or quick. Have faith and follow your intuitions and stand up for what you feel is best for the children. Do not give in to bureaucratic rules and regulations. Follow your hearts and do what is true.”


[bctt tweet=”If you’re a teacher & work in the psychic world, read this. #CouncilofLight” username=”divinelotusheal”]


om laura