Council of Light Channeled Message through Laura West
Weekly Channeled Message, Topic: Trust Working with Spirit Guides
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Time: 2:25pm
Good day to you Laura. We are glad to see you. We are glad you are here. We are hearing many questions and we would like to address a few now. Although we as an energetic group of light bodies are able to hear your thoughts, you being the people whom we serve and help, as a form of mental telepathy, we are unable to engage with you unless you request our help or support and you call upon us to put your plans into action. So, here are a few that meet that criterion.
Where do our loved ones go when they cross over, or die, as humans call it? Plain and simple: the body expires. It breaks down. It no longer works. And, it decomposes, is burned, or is enshrined with chemicals to prolong the decomposition process. As a brief side note, we will say that cryogenics is a whole other topic altogether and we will not touch upon that today. And, the soul, the spirit form, the spirit essence, is able to move on, move freely, and travel in the spirit realm. The spirit realm is not in a place that is far away. It is not in a place that is “other” from you all residing on the earth plane. It is all around you, for, different planes of energy existence co-exist side by side and mixed in between each other and it is not as if the spirit realm is high up above you, physically in the heavens, but, it is side by side.
This is how you are able to have things like ghostly encounters, spirits who are a part of your energy makeup. And, by energy makeup we mean the energy in buildings, houses, rooms, specific places. Spirit is able to stay and dwell, although most people cannot see it. Some, more than you who acknowledge this, can sense that spirit is near. The hackles on the back of your neck begin to rise. You may get a feeling that somebody is watching you. You may feel as if you are not alone. You may hear noises or notice things have been moved in the dwelling. These are all signs that spirit is with you. Sometimes, it is spirit you know, family or friends trying to convey messages to you that they are safe and they are okay. You may even begin to smell familiar smells. For example, a grandfather who smoked cigars will blow that familiar scent through the space you are residing in to let you know that he is near.
There are other times when a spirit is residing in a space and they bear no relation to you whatsoever. This kind of inhabitants by spirit can be troublesome because they feel like they have the right to be in the space due to some past connection there or they are not emotionally and energetically ready to move on yet so they continue to stay. And yet, you residing in the earthly body, the physical body, have begun to take over the physical space, whether it is a workplace area, theater, or dwelling where you reside. Spirit is everywhere. And by spirit we mean ghost. And, you may feel the effects of their discomfort of you being in their space. You may notice or sense frustration, anger, sadness, pain, depression, whatever it is and it is okay to acknowledge that what you are sensing is REAL, for spirit does not often manifest itself physically before your eyes to show you what it looks like. Although this does happen, it is rare because it takes a tremendous amount of energy on the spirit’s part to morph its energetic makeup into that substance that creates a visual reality. And, it needs to be coupled with the psychic center that is inside each of you that is able to physically see subtle energy. It is able to be opened and utilized by all of you but most have not done the work to do this so you will not physically see a spirit nearby.
There are ways for you to tell. The first way is to trust your intuition, your gut instinct, your inner knowing. You may feel vulnerable admitting out loud to your family or friends that you feel like a ghost is nearby. But, the first step is to acknowledge that it is real. Secondly, and we note here that the physical incarnation who transfers our message to you each week says this repeatedly, you are in control as the human form. You can request spirit to draw near and you can request spirit to repel away. You are in complete control. You would not consider, most of you however, would not consider opening your front door of your dwelling and saying to the strangers of the world, “Come on in, walk right through.” It is the same way with spirit however most of you are doing this unknowingly. Energetically, you must set boundaries in your space. You must program protection and light walls around the sides of your dwelling through ritual practice so that you send signals out to the spirit realm that some space is okay for it to travel through and some space is restricted, much like that of an air force base. Chanting and visualizing light energy columns and smudging and drumming and using salt all around the perimeters of a dwelling and using the expertise of an energy worker who is experienced with the connect with ghost and spirit are all beneficial in aiding you in taking control of your physical space, and, purifying and aligning it so that only the spirit energy you wish to have contact with shall come through to you.
Not all spirit is bad. Everyone has a “dear old granny” so to speak, who was a lovely human and who has now crossed into spirit energy form. And that essence, that energy being is still around. Yes, there are spirits that are what you call negative, dark, demonic and from the lower regions of where you call hell. And, we wish to note to you that these places don’t really exist. It is just a way to define lighter energy and denser energy and as we have said before dense energy resides in the lower energy realms and usually most often it has it’s own needs, its own desires and its own will at steak. And, it does not look out for others. It will use your energy, your physical space, your physical dwelling, your physical body to meet its needs because that is its job. We do not condone or condemn this dense energy working because we are not here to judge it. It is a part of the universe. It always has been and it always will be. Some of you must learn how to navigate and negotiate with it, through it, around it and set those boundaries we mentioned earlier to prevent it from becoming burdensome or a block on your path or a distraction in your life or even harmful to you.
There have been many media outlets and images that portray this energy we are discussing today, in this moment, and we wish to tell you that it is all for money. It can be scary to work with ghost energy that is unknown to you and you can feel fear and you can feel lack of control. And, media images play on that fear and lack of control and they make lots of money for the people who created them. And we wish to say loud and clear that not all spirit is like this. There is some spirit in the world, in the universe, in the ether, who’s job it is to assist and love and be kind.
Now, moving on to the next question: Many of you wonder if you can have connection with us in your own personal daily lives. And, by us we mean spirit guides, spirit helpers, angels, ascended masters, spirit teachers, wise incarnated beings who are now in spirit form, sprites, fairies, gnomes, animal wisdom, nature wisdom, nature deities, incarnated deities that are now in spirit form, and the like. Although we have said repeatedly that many of us come to you through this Council of Light each week and we come via the channel of Laura West, yes, it is possible for you to have your own intimate connection with each one of us. All you need to do is tune in.
Begin to meditate and listen for our messages. Some of you will hear our words through your ear centers. Some of you will see a picture in your mind’s eye of us speaking to you. Others will sense emotionally that we are near and you will sense emotionally what we are conveying to you. And, some will just know.
Trust is key.
We will repeat this again: Trust is the key for you to be able to connect with each one of us.
It is hard, we understand, for you to acknowledge our existence when we do not reside on the physical plane directly in front of you having contact with you all the time. But, there are things you can request to make knowledge and meaning out of our being with you. For example, when you are meditating, and we STRONGLY encourage this, maybe not necessarily on a daily basis for those of you who are just starting out, but at least once during your week you can carve out 20 minutes to half an hour and sit quietly in a corner in a chair on a cushion, on the floor, or even laying in your bed. Some place where you can feel safe and cozy and relaxed where you begin to tune into the nothingness that is around you, that empty space where your breathing fills the void. You can ask us to come to you. If you know specifically of certain energy beings you wish to have work with you or if you are just curious in general about those of us who are assigned to working with you, you can just ask a general question such as, “May the beings of energy who work with me step forward now and present themselves to me in a way that I can understand, sense, feel, honor and know completely.” You don’t have to say it as detailed as that. And, you don’t need to commit that to memory. However, the more specific you can be with your request, the easier it is for us to A: come to you and B: make it happen.
Too often you don’t give yourselves enough credit. You say general statements such as, “I wish spirit would draw near to me and show me that it exists.” Well, in fact, that is happening all the time. And, it is happening with all spirit from all energy realms across the universe. You are inviting every kind of spirit, from dense to light, into your life to interact with you in what ever way it wishes. And you are giving up control.
Instead it would be better if you said something to the effects of, “I wish for only the best, the highest, the purest forms of spirit who have love and the interests of humanities evolvement in mind, who’s task it is to work with me individually, to help me grow towards enlightenment, to enter my life and show me concrete signs, safely and securely, of your love for me and your ability to work with me. Please deliver any messages you have for me in a way that I can understand and hear and learn from.” Again, you do not need to be this specific and you do not need to remember what we just said. However, the more specific you are, the easier it is for spirit to carry out the task.
It takes time to hone these skills. It takes effort on your part. It is work to hear our messages. We come to you not as if we are sitting across from you at lunch having a conversation with you, but through subtle, graceful nuances. After a while you will begin to recognize the patterns of how we approach you and you will begin to understand more clearly our messages like Laura here, for example. She has been doing this kind of work for quite a long time and now she can hear us through a kind of streaming consciousness in her mind and she says out loud what she is hearing being downloaded into her brain and she trusts that it is not coming from her own words but coming from us. And, this is why she is able to have such detailed words of wisdom come through her for you to read.
We tell you that you too have this ability. You too can seek this kind of clarity and understanding from your spirit guides. For, you all have guides. You all have deities and beings of light that are helping you along your earthly journeys. Whether you request Mother Theresa, Mother Mary, Depa Ma, Lob sang Cho, the Christ, the Buddha, angels, arch angels, it does not matter. We are all here with love and we are all here to help.
So, we suggest that you begin by trying. Sit quietly. Ask for us to come to you. And, feel, sense, see, hear, notice what comes forward for you in your consciousness. And, please trust these experiences for this is how the strong bond and connection of energy is built between us. You begin to notice the patterns between us and we begin to energetically build a stronger relationship with you so that over time it happens automatically with little effort on your part.
So, with those two questions answered today, we wish to say thank you for your readership. We see that many of you are wondering about these kinds of supernatural things all the time in your lives. And, we are here to answer any questions you may have. It is okay for you to contact us directly with your questions. Just get in touch with Laura and she will address your questions to us in her channeling sessions each week. And, we are on a mission to help you gain knowledge, to help you grow, to help you evolve. And, we wish to say that we send you continuous streams of love through the forms of energetic light to help you feel wrapped and comforted. For, we are the Council of Light and we wrap you in a golden blanket of light to sustain you and keep you in the week ahead, to help you move gracefully through your life, to not bind you, but wrap you securely, to give you comfort and joy. Namaste, adieu, goodbye for today.
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