Council of Light Channeled Message through Laura West
Council of Light Channeled Message on Karma
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Time: 7:30am
Topic: Karma
Good morning Laura. We are glad you are here. Today we would like to talk to you about karmic energy. You may be wondering why and how karma works. We would simply like to say that all of you made agreements and arrangements before you came to the earth plane. And, while you are there some of you realize it and some of you do not and this is okay.
Karma is neither good nor bad. It is a cycle of energy that returns to us in the form of circles or repetition. And, it does not just span one lifetime but many, many, many, many lifetimes. Being in the human body is hard. There are so many extrasensory stimuli that derail us from our true purpose of learning in that lifetime and we end up taking a lot longer to learn the lessons that we decided we needed to learn. So, it may take us many, many, many years before we understand the laws of certain action.
We here in the Council of Light are higher beings of energy who at one point or another, incarnated and learned our lessons, or evolved, so that we no longer incarnate. Some of us never incarnated. And, we’ve always been in this higher energy form. When we say “higher” we do not mean to imply “better” for we are not better, we are just farther along the evolutionary continuum and we understand a broader scope and sense of the picture than others. It does not mean that those others are less than us. They are just not as evolved. They have more lessons and more awakening to learn. And, that will happen throughout their lifetime.
So, getting back to karma… take for example a woman, alive right now, during your lifetime who is learning a lesson of worthiness. She may be focusing on trying to feel like she is worth something, that she holds value in this space and time continuum. And, one way for her to learn this is through relationship with others. Now, if she were to be in a relationship with a partner who was less than kind or ideal to or for her, they may be testing her spirit and working on her resolve. She may choose to feel defeated. Or, she may choose to learn a lesson of self worth and rise above the bitterness and pain that the partner has been bringing her.
Does it mean that her partner is bad? Not necessarily. From the outset, her partner may be doing “bad things” as you humans label them, but she had a contract with that person before coming to the earth that needed to be fulfilled. That person also needed to fulfill a role of working on being kind under stressful situations and so they would be working on that throughout their life. So, the person who was supposed to be working on those things might have anger problems and needs to work on being kinder when they are angry. And, this woman would need to work on rising above feeling defeated when her partner got angry. Thus, they would be a good karmic match for each other.
Now, sometimes people can learn lessons of positiveness, we don’t mean to imply that positiveness is better, just that the learning curve has been achieved. And, sometimes they cannot and their lives are full of struggle and strife. And, they take that lesson that has not been learned into the next lifetime.
It is hard for you to see the equality in all of this because there are people who commit terrible acts in your world that make your world and your lives painful such as murder, rape, theft, dishonesty, etc. And, for those of you who are on the receiving end, you cannot see the bigger picture because you are dealing with the crisis at hand.
Every living creature has the ability to learn a lesson from their actions. And, some actions required are powerful so that the person or creature can learn and change or grow.
Karma is neither good nor bad. It is a tool that helps a soul evolve and grow with understanding. Before people incarnate, they understand that they have lessons to be learned; lessons of love, lessons of patience, of anger management, of kindness, of selflessness, what ever their lesson is. And they choose partners in their lifetimes, not necessarily romantic partners, but, people, other souls, other beings who agree to help them learn their lesson. Sometimes these other beings are in harmony with them and they help that person learn their lesson in a harmonious, comfortable, easy way. And, sometimes they are learning their own lesson, or are not on the same wavelength with the person and they provide a very challenging hurtle for the person to get over. As we said before, for example, really negative aspects of humanity such as murder, swindling, rape, genocide, killing, all of those negative things.
Every single action taken by people in human form has the potential to teach lessons. Babies who die teach those who love them very big lessons about life. And, we wish to remind you that this was agreed upon the babies’ soul and the family around them. Sometimes, death looks like an accident; choking on food or being in a car accident or having a fall, or getting sick, but your soul has agreed to this before signing on to life.
An old woman resting in her bed, receiving hospice care, contracts pneumonia, and her body shuts down as a result of this germ. She has allowed this germ to come in and help facilitate her crossing over. In her conscious mind she may not realize this, but her soul had agreed to this kind of passing before. So, it helps to facilitate her leaving the earth and the family that is left behind can choose to learn and understand from this experience or not. If they choose not to learn from this experience it shall be presented to them again (this lesson of dealing with loss, we are talking about now). This loss will be presented to them again over and over until they understand it and can move on knowing that loss occurs not as a finality but as a blip in humanity until they meet that person on the other side again.
Karma is not always about doing good things to receive good things in return, yet this plays a large role. But, it is more deeply about lessons to be learned. Humans must stop and reflect on the patterns that come up all the time in your lives and you may see that there are karmic lessons there to be learned.
For example, a woman who always gets angry at her husband when she has a touchy temper has lessons to explore about controlling feelings and expressing them with love and compassion, even in times of strife. We are not suggesting that she learn to be perfect on the outside and hold all of her painful feelings inside. That is not healthy. But, we are suggesting that she learn lessons of control and expressing painful feelings in appropriate ways. Until she can learn how to do this she will continue to explode and get angry at her partner.
There are many people alive on your earth, and who have been alive on your earth before, who have understood these kinds of karmic lessons and they are prophetic with their knowledge they share with you. Some of them have been canonized and glorified and written about and some of them have been idolized and turned into worshiped beings. And, we would like to remind you that it is okay to learn from these beings, but, you should not put them on a pedestal as being higher or better than you. For, you are just as worthy, and doing just as hard work as they did. It is just that you have yet to arrive at the same understanding as them.
For example, the Buddha had arrived at his understanding of many meanings in life at a quicker pace than a majority of other souls. It does not mean he is better than those of you who have not gone to the same place as him; you just are taking a longer time to understand those same lessons. It is okay for you to be doing this. It is the same with the man called Christ. He came to an understanding of how laws of nature work and he rose to a vibratory rate that was higher and lighter which placed him farther out of the denseness that we tell you you reside in on the earth plane. And, many people alive today worship him in a way that makes him better than you all. And, we would like to say to you that you do not need to do this. You are just as worthy as him. You just have not arrived in the same understanding place and you will get there eventually. It may take years, it may take lifetimes. But, your journey is unique to yourself and your understanding will come to you when you are fully ready to receive it.
There are ways for you to understand your lessons, with help. No one can learn your lessons for you but there are those of us who are here to provide guidance and knowledge. We cannot give you the answers fully, for we are not meant to be doing your work for you. But, there are those of us who are gently helping you to gain knowledge and move forward with your understanding.
We are your guides. We are the beings that you label as gods. We are the beings that you label as saints. We are the beings that you call angles and spirit helpers. Really we are all highly evolved energies that have been charged with the missions of helping you. And, you as humans label us so you can understand how to work in relationship to us. You have different names for us in different parts of the world. And, if you peel away all of those labels, there is a subtle commonality of higher energy working to help. We do not mind that you put these labels on us for we understand that humans need to have concept in order to understand. But, we ask that you please remember that we are not better than you, just farther along that continuum.
For those of you who are murderers and rapists and genocidal makers, we say to you that you have a tremendous amount of learning to be done. And, you can experience much growth and learning by overcoming all of those negative aspects that you are dealing with in your lives. It is hard to live in disharmony to such an extent that you take another person’s life or you control them with negative power such as sexuality or physical control. And, although it is very painful for the person receiving, you have the ability to reflect on this control and power that you are emanating and you can choose to view it as power and control that does not serve you in helping you to grow.
This kind of power and control is not an energy force that helps you move along the continuum to a higher vibration. It is very thick and heavy indeed, and very dominating. But, it keeps you stuck and rooted in one place and although it emanates out and casts a wide circle of feeling, it does not help you to evolve into a more enlightened being.
Those of you such as the figure called Hitler who wanted to control other human beings and made decisions to help control them by killing them; you cast a wide net of power, but your lifetime did not evolve. Your learning did not grow to a place of understanding about other people’s lives being just as healthy as your own and you could not learn lessons of equality and of justice and of perspective taking so you chose to continue killing. And, the being called Hitler has now incarnated again as another soul and is learning that same lesson over again about perspective taking. But, although we will not share with you who the being called Hitler was in that last lifetime is now, to protect their anonymity so that they may learn their lesson comfortably, we would like to tell you that they are confronted with the same lesson of learning about perspective, just in a different form.
And, this is a great example for the rest of you. You all are learning lessons in your lifetimes. And if they are not integrated fully and learned completely by the end of your lifetimes you will incarnate in the next lifetime again, just with different experiences and parameters, points of view, so that you may learn the lesson in a different way.
Are you a bad being if it takes you a hundred lifetimes to learn one lesson? No, absolutely not. Your life on earth is very dense with very hard energy. And as we said before, there are lots of external stimuli that side track you and keep you occupied and make it hard for you to learn. We do not judge you. We do not blame you. We see that you all are doing the best that you can in all aspects of your lives and that some of you have awakened and are learning at a faster pace than others.
This is all to be expected and this is all okay. And, we will speak more to you about karma in the coming months and sessions that we are to hold. It is a very difficult concept for you as humans to grasp because you are in the thick of your lives and some of you have a hard time seeing the larger picture of how it all works. It is hard for you to understand that injustices play a role in learning, just as much as harmony and joy play a role in learning.
So, with that, we wish to say that today is a shorter and very intense meeting with Laura and we thank you for your time. And, we will continue this on another day. And, for now we will end by saying adieu and we wrap you in a golden blanket of light to help sustain you with positive, healthy, loving, golden energy for the week ahead so that you may continue learning and growing. We are always with you and you may call on us at any time in the ways that you know how, for, we are the Council of Light and we hear you and see you and support you. And, we wish you to know that you are all divine beings doing the best you can. And, we love you. Thank you and goodbye.
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