The Council of Light share vibrant, celebration energy in this channeled message. Enjoy!




Laura West:

So, it’s really lovely because the Council of Light have been coming for just over a decade now through
the work that I do and I’m really glad that they were able to come through in this capacity and this way
for us in this specialized- it’s kind of a new way for us but at the same time it’s not new at all. Cuz what
they’re talking about is universal connection and universal support and love and being centered within
ourselves so that we can weather any of the storms in our lives whether they be global at this particular
time or our own personal trials on a day-to-day basis. And they just are so grateful that they want to
share their wisdom with all of us all the time. So here we go.

Council of Light:

Greetings to you all you bright blessed seed stars there on the earth plane. You human beings of Earthly
nature. We are here again and we wish to say hello and welcome in great joy to you. It is time for you to
celebrate through and through and through and we understand that the word celebrate is not
synonymous with your vibration as a collective whole right now, but we want to say to those of you who
are listening to our message: celebrate, it is time for.

What do we ask you to celebrate? We ask you to celebrate several things: the small things and a large
things. Please celebrate your lives for each of you are divine. Please take into your heart the wonderful
loving light of the Divine and feel as you breathe it in that it spreads all through your entire being. Feel
as you breathe in that warms your soul. This is your authentic state. This is who you truly are, a divine
light spark that comes from the ether up above.

You incarnated as humans to experience the physicality of the Earth plane. It is actually a very
challenging place for you to reside. You are in a physical shell called the body and you are on a dense
energy filled Earth plane. It’s hard for you to move around down there. We say that there is a lot of
suffering and sorrow amongst all of humanity, taking out what’s happening for you all there now. Just
on a daily general basis there is frustration and there is anger and there is pain and there is suffering and
there is sadness.

And that is why we say to you now that it is time to celebrate. Put all of those trials in those tribulations
to the side and step into that inner sanctuary of the heart. Step into that inner Divine space that is a
spark within each of you. It is time for you to celebrate yourselves as human beings and it is time for you
to celebrate the deep breaths you can take, the beating heart that you have, the nourished eyes that
can see, the ears that can hear and the joints that can move ever so freely. You have the gift of language
and you have the gift of touch and you have the gift of movement. Your physicality is a joyful thing to
take part in now because your societies are pausing and getting still. It is an opportunity for you to go
within and to remind yourselves of what you truly need and what you truly want.

Ironically we come to you through an auditory or a screen device to say, please close your screen
devices and your auditory devices more frequently now that you have time to pause, now that you have
time to be within yourselves and connected to yourselves and to your families.

Yes, there is stress and yes, it can get a little harried as you are all connected all the time, but it is
important for you to take time for yourselves. Nourish your bodies with really healthy food. Nourish
your bodies with beautiful meditative sound. Nourish your bodies with the joy of movement so that it
gets the heart pumping and the blood flowing and the arteries open. Nourish your body with the sense
of sight, beautiful imagery right outside your windows. Turn off the images that scroll on the television that scream in your faces that the news is breaking. There’s always news. There will always be news.

There always was news. You just need daily small synopsis connection points to keep you informed
about policies that are changing in your lives, in your communities and in your governments.
You don’t need to be in the fray and in the flow of all the hype, this we know.

Celebrate the beautiful breath that you take and the mind that you think and the activities and the
crafts that you like to do. Some of you are doodlers, get out your notebooks. Some of your writers, get
out your pens. Some of you are singers, get out that voice in the shower, if need be. Some of you ever so
joyfully need to remember that you are a creative being and you have yet to tap into your creativity.
Perhaps you would like to take up knitting or sewing or learn a new language.

This is a gift of time that you are being given. Celebrate this time as a gift, a true gift for the Earth, as we
have said on many occasions before is so overtired: that Mother Earth is so overtaxed, that Mother
Earth is so weary that she needs you all to pause now so she can recover. And we say by in large, for the
most part, most societies across the Earth are doing a great job. Thank you for heeding the call.
We wish you all to know that it is a while yet before you will be able to move around there on your earth
plane, but have no fear because when you continually day after day go back in and in and in and
continue to nourish and nourish and nourish the soul and the heart and the mind and the physical body
in loving kindness, you will get through this.

You will come out transformed on the other side and you will have rewritten some neuropathic patterns
that move you to continue with these routines once you are able to move about again in the world. It is
very important that you take time to pause. It is very important that you take time to nourish. Not only
your physical bodies, not only your mental bodies, but you’re whole bodies. It is very good that you are
choosing to take this time here and now to listen to our words in this way for by doing so you are
connecting three things in a triad: the mental body, the physical body and the etheric body. You are all
three and more but we wish to highlight just these three at the moment. Your etheric body has so much
to contribute to your life and very frequently it is put to the side.

It is not honored in society because it cannot be seen with the naked eye. And people do not grow up in
schooling that teaches them how to engage with etheric body, but you understand it to be true. You
understand yourselves to be Soul filled and to be intuitively guided and to be connected and nourished
and loved and grounded in this space of spiritual sacredness.

And so we applaud you for taking this time to nourish this part of you as you come to this experience
here. And now in this way, this day and other days, there are so many wonderful opportunities to bring
this kind of spiritual sacredness as a touchdown flowing through your lives day in and day out. This is but
one, so we invite you now to breathe very deeply into your being and feel as relaxation begins to
overtake you. We invite you now to shift comfortably, to roll the shoulders, to relax the back, to place
the feet where they need to be placed for a relaxing moment.

Place the hands wherever they need to be placed, either open or touching the body, resting or moving.
Be in a space of joy. Be in a place of peace. Be in a resonance and a frequency of ultimate relaxation, for
when you are fully relaxed when you are completely in your space of Peace, you are bringing health and
vitality and well-being to your vibration.

It is very important for you on a physical level to wash your hands as you will know at this time of
heightened germs sensitivities, but it is just as important for you to spiritually be aligned and
unflappable in the mix of lots of chaos running through your societies. Unflappable meaning not moved
by the waves in the tides of the collective Consciousness. The collective Consciousness is like a runaway
train. It has no mind of its own and it builds up speed and steam and it has no idea where it’s going and
it cannot stop. You can get off that train.

You can sit here now and breathe deeply into your being and know that you are firmly grounded, firmly
rooted, firmly planted in your Sacred Space.

You are safe.
You are healthy.
You are joyful.
And you are blessed.
In fact, you can begin to say that to yourselves over and over and over again each day.
I am safe.
I am healthy.
I am Joy filled.
I am blessed.
I am safe.
I am healthy.
I am
Joy filled.
I am blessed.
I am safe.
I am healthy.
I am Joy filled.
I am blessed.

You can repeat that as mantra. Mind begins to manifest into matter what you say. We will repeat that:
mind begins to manifest what you say into matter. The things that you think become your reality and so
when you are constantly nourishing your mind with love and kindness and thoughts of clarity, thoughts
of joy, thoughts of peace, you become a joyful clear loving and kind human being that is full of blessings
and bliss filled moments, day in and day out, no matter what is going on around you. The swirling storm
outside you might be chaos and fear and frustration and deprivation and anger, but for you it is
wonderfully connected moments of happiness and bliss and just right timing and always connectedness.

When you live from this particular space full of love and nourished vibration, doors open to you, the
outside world calls it karmic connection or coincidence or luckiness, but operate from a place of
connectedness. The flow of the Earth plane is a gritty sandpapery one. The flow of the Divine is always
moving forward and always open into the righteousness of kindness and positivity and it is very easy for
you to step out of that righteousness of kindness and positivity because you are among the Sandpaper
energy of the earth plane.

We want to remind you that your lives can be joy filled. Your life can be full of harmony. Your lives can
be full of ease and grace at all times. You don’t need to experience the trauma and the sadness and the
suffering and the sorrow and the pain and the worry and the fear and the dejectedness of society-at large. That can be present and you can know about it, but you do not need to step into it, you dear soul.

You can rise above. You can flow in the harmonic grace of the light. The light we call the light because
we come from a place of light. We are light. We are a vibration of light. We come from the place that
some people call the God Source. We come from the place that some people call all eternity. It does not
matter what you call it, but we are out of that place and we let you ride next to us as your souls shine all
the time. It is a gift that you give yourselves. It is a mystical secret teaching that people spend years and
years and years trying to alchemize, yearning after finding this space, an you have unlocked this gift.
So simply, so easily, by sitting here now in this space, in this place, listening to these words. This is your
reality. This is your wisdom. This is your grace. This is your peace. You are peace. You are grace. You are
divine-ness. You are a state of being that is nourished through through and through. Yes, it is.

It’s okay for you to have moments where you are tripped up. You might have speed bumps. You might
find yourselves in fear. You might find yourselves worrying or wondering or suffering. That is okay.
When you notice that for yourself return back to your peace. Return back to your grace. Return back to
your bliss. Return back to your harmony. Return, return, return. And the more you practice returning,
the more you practice being, the more you practice presenting in this here and this now, the more you
become that all the time. And the less you begin to notice the suffering, the sorrow as it trips you up.
It’s just a natural element of the way things go. When you were children you learned how to ride bikes.
You learned how to use utensils to eat your food. You learned how to master things like arithmetic and
spelling and all those other kinds of things in your academic studies and you became proficient at them.
So this is very similar. Your spiritual connectedness and your openness in your lives is the same when
you practice and you are conscious and you are thankful and you are appreciative out loud. Thank you
for the beautiful sunshine today. Thank you for the gorgeous flowers, as Laura would say. You will begin
to notice that it always is running through your life – this divine sacredness, and you might feel a little
bit like the divine sacredness blesses you in a way that does not bless others, but it is simply not true.
It is just that others have not awoken to the gift that is always with them and every moment, all the
time, every day. You all are Divine and you all have the same rights to be happy and to be at peace and
to be taken care of financially. And with clothing and with food and shelter. And we understand that for
some people on the Earth plane that is in question right now. Breathe into the light.. Breathe into the
divine. Breathe into the harmony that is always surrounding you.

We mentioned that we are light beings and for some of you that is adequate to understand and for
others we would also like to say that you can call upon us as angelic beings to come and surround you.

Take a moment now to ask for the light of the Divine to surround you. Let us wrap you up in a gold and
blanket of the Divine to keep you in peace and in harmony with your soul selves. Feel it nourishing your
body. Feel it warming your heart. Feel it wrapping around your shoulders ever so snuggly, like a nice
warm blanket. And know that this is always for you. Know that this is yours. Know that you can tap into
this space.

And in this place, you can come back and revisit this speaking experience and revisit the blanket if you
would like to. You don’t just need to listen to it once and move forward. You can come back to it. That is
the blessing of your technology there on the earth plane. And we see that you humans have used it in
many creative ways. You are using technology for good and and to be connected as it always should.
And so we leave you now in this space with these blessings of divine grace, knowing that you were all
tucked up safely spaces, cozy warm and content. You have food in your bellies. You have clothing on
your body. You have rooms over your heads and you have peace in your hearts.

Breathe in very deeply. Feel the peace flowing through your heart. You are ever so loved by the
consciousness of the Divine. Remember to continually call upon us, the guides and the ancestors and
the loving source of presence that flows through life. However you decide to use language and script, it
doesn’t matter what you call it. It just matters THAT you call it.

We are always here. We are always waiting to support you. We are always waiting to give you a hand
and to let you know that you are always loved. Feel the guidance at your backs. Feel the knowing-ness in
your guts. Feel the presence of sacredness in your third eye centers, that mind-connection knowing. Feel
as the loving presence of source is always with you, feeling you, giving you a hand, giving you love and
consciousness, giving you a steady drumbeat of presence.

We want to say that you are all doing a fantastic job living in your bubbles. It is so funny seeing all of the
humans on the Earth plane, tiny and still. At the end it is so joyful because it is an opportunity for all of
you to become heart centered and connected once again to your soul selves.

Hooray. Hooray. Celebrate. This is a joyous occasion. You have an opportunity to go very deeply within
yourself and understand your true notion of who you really are without the distraction of your busy day
to day lives. What a gift you’ve been given. What a joyful time you have received. Use this time wisely.
Use this time as gift that has been given to you to really sink your teeth into knowing and to growing
into your Divine soul selves.

We leave you with these blessings and we say thank you for listening to our words today. We look
forward to coming back and speaking with you again in all the ways that we do. You have your soul
tribes, you know how to connect with them. You have resources that help to teach you how to connect
with them, and we look forward to seeing you and watching you and helping you practice.
Goodbye for now and adieu.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright Divine Lotus Healing, llc. April, 2020.

om laura

Nourish Your Soul

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