I often get asked the question, “How does channeling work” or “What does it feel like when you channel?” So, here are some of my thoughts on the process I go through when I channel the Council of Light.
Can anyone channel? Yes and No. Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer wrote a wonderful book called Opening to Channel which is like a Bible/Torah/Koran of sorts for people in this field. I recommend reading it if you are interested in learning how to do this work. Not everyone can channel right off the bat. For some people, it takes work to learn how to do it.
When I first started receiving messages from my spiritual guides, I did not channel. I just heard the messages come through and I would relay them back out to people. In a way it is a form of channeling because I am picking up messages from another energy realm and passing them along to the people here in my realm.
But, when the higher beings who call themselves The Council of Light that are on another vibrational plane would talk through me, it felt very physically different. These higher vibrational beings; angels, spirit guides, light, ascended masters, Christ, Buddha, Virgin Mary, etc., all vibrate at much faster and higher rates than our dense bodies do in our very dense atmosphere on the earth plane. We are like pea soup to them.
So, when they began working with me, my energetic body needed to be worked on a bit. It was the equivalent of training for a marathon. Slowly, my body became conditioned over time to vibrate at a higher level so they could come through me. They had to lower their vibration a bit and mine had to rise in order for us to meet in the middle somewhere. It’s kind of funny to think about our energies meeting at some mid level location in the ether, like at the clandestine coffee shop or something! The first time it happened I was excited and a bit nervous because I knew it was coming but I didn’t know what to expect. I trusted that they would not hurt me and I had faith that it was going to be fine, and it was.
The being who calls himself Seth, who channeled through Jane Roberts, wrote a beautiful explanation of how this all works in his book Seth Speaks.
When a channeling session happens for me, my body becomes hot and clammy and I usually shake a bit because the energy is so strong. I also tend to sway in a slight circle or rock from side to side, and I don’t usually feel my body. I feel physically stretched, like my torso has grown. It reminds me of the character Gumby in the 1960’s & 80’s. My head feels very large and limitless, like it has no boundaries. And I can feel the energy of the spirit or spirits coming through to give their message. They sweep in to sit around me or in my energy field, really.
Sometimes the divine speak through me and they speak so fast I have a hard time keeping up. If I try and think about what they are saying then I loose track of the message. I try not to think about it really and usually the message comes through just fine.
Channeling does not hurt. It is also important to note that the body does not stay in this elevated etheric level all the time. When the channeling session is over, the body regulates back to the dense earth realm.
It’s an amazing experience to channel. I love that I have learned how to work with it and I feel honored to relay messages in this way!
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I’m starting to channel doing artwork with my son who passed 10 months ago. Have you done this?
How lovley Ruthe Ann! I don’t personally do art via channeling but I know of others who do! It’s a cool way to connect with the spirit realm for sure 🙂