Welcome to November and a very special channeled message from the Earth Elementals who reside at the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland. It was an honor and great privilidge to bring them through for you!




Laura West:

Hello, everybody, and welcome to another channeled message event that I have been producing monthly for over a decade now. I am so pleased and honored to bring this very special channeled message through to you. For, you see, it is not the Council of Light that are coming through to us in this message, and it is not the usual live audience. That is, you will in a moment be watching me as I channel a very special group of etheric energies. Earth elementals, if you will, from the Cliffs of Moher in the northwestern coast of Ireland.

They came this past Saturday evening to my Spirit Talks event that was held with my co collaborator and dear friend, psychic medium Carolyn Wilkins. We’ve been holding this Spirit Talks event for many, many years, and this year, we were able to have it with a live audience.

And so the elementals from the Cliffs of Moher came now to this event, and they spoke to the people in the live audience, and I am sharing it with you in this format as well.

Now, you might be wondering how I came about connecting with these energies and why they’re choosing to come all the way from Ireland to where I am in the Boston metro area. And I’ll give you a little backstory.

I was there this past summer, August 2023, with my family. We were taking a trip, and when we approached the land that is this Cliffs of Moher site, it’s actually a UNESCO World Heritage site, and I was instantaneously captivated and drawn into the sacred and spiritual energy that was so palpable. I could feel it on my tongue. It was enveloping my body, like a cloak. And I really could feel the presence of these elementals very deeply.

But we were surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of other people. There was no private space for me to bring out my phone and start channeling what they wanted to say at the time. It was also very, very windy. If you’ve ever seen pictures of the cliffs, they’re really, really tall and they abut the ocean and so there’s just nothing but grass and sheer rock wall.

So there was a lot of wind and it wasn’t conducive for channeling and recording. But I had the sense that they were going to hold on to their connection with me and they were going to come back at some point when I could bring them through.

And lo and behold, now at this particular time of year, this fall equinox time, this time around spooks and haunts, October 31, we notice that the veil between the worlds is quite thin at this time of year. And so you might be noticing synchronicities for yourselves where you’re sensing, feeling, knowing psychic connections or mediumistic presences or whatnot. It’s because the connection that is always present for us is really opaque right now. We can sense it in bigger ways than at other times of the year.

So they chose to come to this live audience and it was easy for them to come from all the way over in Ireland though I channeled them as if I was standing on the Cliffs of Moher. And in fact, while I was in front of this live audience with my eyes closed, I was doing some moving with my body because they were taking my physicality and they were harmonizing me and amalgamating our energies so that they could come even more clearly and succinctly through me as the channel for them. So it was like I was fine tuning the radio waves for them as they were coming through me.

So if you get a chance to look at me on video, you’ll notice that my body is moving in these undulating waves that I don’t normally move in when I channel for you.

So without further ado, here is this month’s channeled message from the Earth Elementals at the Cliffs of Moher.

Earth Elementals from the Cliffs of Moher:

We are the spirits of the earth. We come today to say to you that we need your help. And we come to you from a place very far away. We come to you from the Cliffs of Moher in the place that you call Ireland. And we wanted to come to you a long time ago when this woman that we’re speaking through was standing with her feet consecrating our ground. But it wasn’t technically possible then.

So we come to you now and we would like to say that there is great beauty all around you. And there is great joy and there is great harmony and synchronicity between you as humans and us as elementals and the spirit world and the animal kingdom.

And we do coexist and we do harmonize with you, and we do live as one breathing soul, beating our hearts together. Syncopated. And yet it’s hard for us right now.

We don’t have to tell you about the suffering that the nature world around you is experiencing. But we do want to remind you that you do need to do your part in co creation of this wonderful planet that we all are a part of.

Please be the stewards of the next seven generations and the seven generations and the seven generations that come after your bones are consecrated and put back into the ether.

Please be the stewards so that the flora and the fauna can coexist with you side by side by side.

Please be the stewards that educate your fellow humans and the generations below you about why it’s important to do so.

Please be the stewards that hold us in your heart.

Acknowledge us. Welcome us into your homes. Welcome us into your rituals and your routines. Acknowledge that we are with you, for we walk amongst you, we play with you, we coexist with you. And sometimes humanity is blind to our existence.

And so we use this public platform here today, talking in this voice box of this woman, to share with you that we would love more attention and compassion and kindness.

But what can I do? You say. There’s too much trash in the ocean. The world’s too hot. There’s too many fossil fuels being ripped out of the earth. Mother Earth’s guts are being pulled and pulled and pulled.

Well, we will give you consecrated specific information so that you don’t have to feel hopeless and you don’t have to feel like everything’s going to hell in a handbasket, because it’s not.

You can live seven generation after seven generation after seven generation securely and comfortably knowing that you yourself can return lifetime after lifetime after life time if you touch us.

Lay your fingers on the ground. Feel the breathing, beating heart of a tree. Notice the beautiful consecrated energy of collective consciousness as a flock of birds is soaring in the skies above you. Take comfort and joy in the colors of the flowers all around you and the berries and the leaves.

Be very intentional about how you interact with us on your micro levels. Each of you. You and you and you and you do that every day. And you become a steward of the relationship that is sacredly interwoven between us. And then you silently give that steward quality to those around you, and they give it to those around them, and they give it to those around them. And you become a network of stewards that guard the Earth as the sacred entity that it is, that it always has been and that it will always continue to be.

There is still time.

Things are not yet turned and tipped in that balance. And there is hope because you are here. You are listening. You are loving, you are paying attention. You are conscious. And we are so appreciative.

Thank you for your time.

© All Rights Reserved. Laura West, M.Ed., RMT | Divine Lotus Healing, LLC. | November 2023

om laura

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