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Council of Light Channeled Message through Laura West
Saturday, January 23, 2010, 7:25am
Topic: How Energy Manifests on Earth and leading up to 2012
Good morning Laura, we are glad you are here. We welcome you to this new day. Today we would like to talk to you about energy and how it manifests on the Earth. When people go through their daily lives, they do not understand. They cannot see it but they can feel it. They try and turn it off and block it out. They are over stimulated by too much technology- too much buzzing frequencies around them. This makes it hard for them to tune into the true essence of energy that they need to be in touch with. Interacting with crystals is much different than interacting with TV twenty-four hours a day!
Everything is made up of energy, absolutely everything. Energy cannot be destroyed or broken down. Manipulated or changed, yes, but not removed or destroyed.
When people create anger in their day, that’s a very dense energy, and it makes it hard for them to accomplish tasks. It is like being wrapped in chains of bondage and it is hard to break free. Anger weighs you down. It saps your energy.
We understand that humans have the capacity to feel anger for many reasons. It helps you to grow, and understand, and learn. But it is not healthy to live in anger all the time and we see too many people who have done that. And they don’t understand that they are in this place of holding them back because they are surrounded by too much distraction; TV and radio and computer and all these voices from all; too many with opinion- not allowing them, or providing them, with time to process their own feelings.
Your society is closing itself off and it needs to change. We hearken it back to the images you hold of times long ago sitting around a campfire in the evenings with family, appearing to do nothing but stare into the flames. But, in reality, that was a down time for the energy matter and energetic makeup of the day to filter through and process. And that is needed now in your society.
People often think that watching TV is downtime for them when in fact, it is not. It is a way to escape processing. The alpha brain waves change while watching a television set. And one person’s mind, thus, sitting on the couch in the evening, they are not able to process their day and all the energy they have received and walked through. This is not healthy and we ask that this change. Those who need to and who want to- they will hear this and understand this. And those who are not ready will continue their lives as they are.
We understand that living in the Earth energy is hard and that it is a struggle for all of you. If you open to the signs of support and help, we are right here along with you. The Earth energies are changing. In 2012, things will be different. Not apocalyptic, like some of your more extreme humans are claiming, but the frequency will be different. It is slowly shifting now as we speak- moving to lighter, subtler energies and it will continue to swing in that direction. Humanity has a great opportunity to swing with it and grow and learn and move into a new space. And, there are those of you who are already doing this work. We commend you for that. It is your job to bring the rest along. And those who are not ready will be left behind. But fear not, they will not be gone forever. It will just take them longer to get there. There is nothing to be done about this. That is their path.
We speak ambiguously so as to cover all of the human experience thus coming. It will take different forms for each one of you. A woman sitting in Africa will feel very differently than a woman sitting in China or Japan. The energy frequency is different, yet the same in both places. And, they will both be reaching an end goal that is the same, but navigating through it differently to get there. This end place is a healthy, positive, light filled space. They will wake up one day and everything will be the same but it will all be changed. The energies will be lighter- more clear. The vibrations will be full of light and they will find that they have less trouble navigating through their day energetically. That is, if they can cut free from all the distractions we mentioned before.
We realize that in some parts of the Earth this is harder than in others. For you who live in the United States, this will be a hard task. But we ask that you try. Your technologies are clogging you and we remind you that the natural world is all around. Birds sing, even in the cities. Grasses blow in the wind, even in the cities. The sun shines providing you with nutrients, even in the cities. And, you must take advantage of these rhythms from nature if you are to reconnect with the energy we are talking about.
It is our job to support you and help you along your journey there. And it is your job to try. And we realize that not all of you are ready, and this is okay. We do not fault you for this. We understand. Some of you are not ready. You have more time to grow on your evolutionary scale. You have lifetimes- and this is what makes coming to earth unique.
You all signed up for jobs when you came here and some of you have more advanced jobs than others. This does not make you better. You are just farther along. We are here to support you- always. We wish to tell you these things to enlighten you so that you may understand and have a clear picture of where to proceed. We told you before you incarnated that this would be so. And some of you are starting to remember. Some of you have been remembering for a long time. And some of you are just awakening.
We will leave you now with this message of hope and peace and love and support. And we ask that you please remember. It will make your job easier. We are The Council of Light and we offer you blessings of love and support and guidance. And we are here, waiting patiently, spreading our message of love and joy to those who are ready to listen through vehicles such as you (Laura). We thank you and we respect the work you are doing.
Our time is up for today. Until we are to talk again, we bid you farewell but not goodbye. We wrap you in a golden blanket of light to support you and sustain you until the next time we are to meet. Adieu and goodbye for now.
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