Council of Light Channeled Message through Laura West
Council of Light: Reflections of Human Nature
Saturday, February 20, 2010 10:05AM
Topic: Reflections of Human Nature
Good morning Laura. We are glad you are here. Today we would like to talk to you about reflections of human nature and how the world sees you all. Intention is key when people walk around with high expectations and intentions. They do better in life than those who do not propel themselves forward with thought. It is hard for some to think about this on a conscious level and they do not understand it is possible to hold intention of the highest and best in their mind at all times. But if they are able to do this it would be possible to have a better life.
The way in which one goes about creating a better life is through thought forms. They must start internally first and think about the positive aspects of their life before they can move forward. Thinking positively helps to propel the ball of energy that is you to higher and better places. And, it is often hard for people to do this continuously because they get stuck on negative aspects of their lives.
If one casts out those negative statements from their lexicon they will be able to travel on their path towards enlightenment in a smoother manner and way. Surrounding yourselves with people who have this understanding is important because it helps you to remember and stay on the path. As we have said before, negative energy is dense and heavy and when you state out loud something that you don’t like about yourself or that you cannot do, it attaches to you and limits you almost like a weight holding you down.
So, thus it is important to only speak the highest and best in love and light and wisdom for yourselves at all times. We know this is hard. We see that humans have many obstacles against them. If life were so easy, there would be no need to incarnate on the earth plane. Incarnating helps you to learn lessons about yourselves. And we can help you.
The guides are always here waiting to help. Those of you, who are ready, some understand and you have become inspirational leaders for others. Some are challenged and are trying. And, some are stuck and do not want to move. All of these positions/situations are just fine. We see that you all are on the divine path no matter where you are and every stage is okay. Learning is growing and growing is evolution. And we applaud you all for trying.
We do not hold judgment about any of you. Judging holds you back. It is a form of entrapment and it keeps one stuck in one place and it is not healthy for growth. If you just notice your fellow humans and recognize that everyone is in the same boat but that the boat is going at different speeds for everyone, then there will be less turmoil and bloodshed on the earth. People get caught up in the details of he said/ she said. People become power hungry and they wish to hold a place for themselves but really this is selfish and comes from fear. If you can all share your knowledge equally then the whole earth vibration will grow. It will rise higher and your planet will survive.
We have said before that there are dense energies working to hold your planet in one place, almost in controlling form. But that with conscious effort you may move forward by tapping into the light consciousness and surrounding yourselves with health and wellness and positive aspects of your lives.
We are all too glad to help you do this. We have a mission to support you. Different groups of people know us as different things; some see us as animal spirit, some see us as one god, some see us as energy, some see us as positive thought form, some see us as nature beings and really it does not matter how we are perceived because the end result is all the same.
We are working toward higher and better aspects of your earthly lives. Perception is not key. As humans, you must identify with something you can understand so you may put labels on us depending on where you live in the world. And this is okay and natural to do. A tribal community in Africa may refer to us as animal spirit and honor us with animal dancing and yet a group in New York City might go to church and pray to saints and gods and deities and this is also us.
We do not wish to be idolized or worshiped. That is not our intent. We just wish to remain as pillars of support, helping you to grow. We are not better than you. We are just farther along the path of enlightenment and we are willing to share our help and experience with you because we know this is the right thing to do. And, we are charged with the mission of helping. If we were not to help, we would not be fulfilling our roles and we would not be advancing in our evolutionary path, like you. People can call on us to support and help at any time. We are here to give guidance and offer assistance. Many of you are already doing this and we can see that you are tuning in, in your own ways.
We welcome this connection and we will continue to work with you to provide stability and positive energy for the earth. At this time there are many of you working towards this goal and we are aware that your numbers are increasing as more of you hear the message. We are not a messiah. We are not a prophet with end result. Do not worship and follow us but honor your own path to your own enlightenment. Self fulfillment is key to evolution.
We wish you good speed and good luck in the week ahead. We love you and we wrap you in a golden blanket of light and we bid you adieu. Good bye for now.
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