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Council of Light Channeled Message: Haiti Earthquake
Laura West channeling a message from The Council of Light Channeled Message Haiti Earthquake
Channeling session on January 18, 2010; 8:10am
Topic: Haiti’s earthquake and the support behind the scenes
“January 15th was a momentous day energetically for the earth. It was about moving forward, entering a new consciousness. The energy was very strong. There is no accident or coincidence between Haiti and this new energy on this day. The two coincided. We want to assure you that all souls are okay. They signed up for this journey. They are where they belong now.
The collective heart chakra has been opened on the earth, helping to bring you forward into a new energy. You go along in your dense bodies your whole lives and you don’t remember the bigger picture that you signed up for before you came. You all have a master plan but because the earth is so dense, you get trapped and sidetracked. And it takes shocks to the system to jolt you back to life to remember the true essence of your being- to be supportive and loving and giving of your fellow human beings- to interconnect in the web of consciousness, acting as one loving unit.
Out of this pain and darkness comes light, and silver linings, and so much good. There are those of you who remember this right away and who spread this joy. And there are those who get stuck and stagnate in the pain. We would like to remind you that your earthly life is not the only life. You will continue on after you leave the earth plane. And while you are there your job is to do as much good as possible. That’s what you signed on for when you came to the earth.
The heart chakra has been opened and we are hopeful that it will stay open- that over time it will not recede and close off. Those of you who are wishing to stay in this heart centered space must find groups to do work with to keep the connection sustained. It is hard, we know. Finding others, like you, joining forces as a community, will help to sustain you.
It is hard for the masses to go it alone. We are here with you and we support you whether you feel us or not. Our mission is to be supporting of those of you who have chosen to come down to the earth plane and work in this dense energy. We see how you struggle and we know that it’s hard and we offer our assistance freely and with love and support, daily. All you need to do is call on us. Ask, and it shall be so. We are here to help you but we cannot until you ask. Our arms are outstretched like comforting blankets to wrap around you and aid you in this time of sorrow. We feel the pain that this has all caused. When there is a major earth shake up it’s like a deep wound and you feel pain at first but the wound slowly transforms you.
You are light workers and you can choose to walk in the path of light. And those of you who have found this information, who are listening to us speak now are tapping into that path and we ask that you continue to do so and your own intuition and light and consciousness will continue to grow. Seek out others like you. Form a community of light.
That is all for now. Until we are to speak the next time, we wrap you with a golden light blanket to keep you sustained so that you may walk forward in the path of the light and continue doing the compassionate good work that you are meant to be doing. Blessings from the Council, we are The Council of Light sent to you from far away to aid in the progression of the earth plane and all the incarnated souls of the earth- helping you to move forward into the light from the dense energy of the earth.Blessings and Namaste.”
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