Council of Light Channeled Message
Sunday, March 14, 2010 Time: 10:20am
Topic: Energy and Earthquakes
Good morning Laura. We would like to talk to you today about energy manipulation and earthquakes. Scientists are aware of energy rumblings deep within the core of your earth. And, this energy travels from the inside out. And when two plate’s crusts of the earth rub against each other, an earthquake is eminent, like a belch from the earth so to speak. And, you are noticing that there have been several earthquakes in various parts of your earth as of late. And, if they were not so far away from each other scientists would agree that they were triggered by one another.
We wish to tell you that although all this energy comes from the same place in the core of your earth, these earthquakes are not triggering each other. It is the energy coming from the center at rapid rates that is the key. Why is there so much energy coming through the earth in this way at this time? We have talked about this before. The universal energies of the earth’s atmosphere are changing. It is a subtle change. Your earth energy is growing and morphing into a higher frequency and vibration. And, it is not a smooth transition, nor should it be. If everything were easy, there would be no awareness for humans and thus, no evolutionary growth. You must be made aware of the energetic turmoil so that you can focus on it and become one with it and manifest into a new consciousness.
It is sad for your fellow humans to see so much destruction and pain. And we see that there are those of you who are doing good deeds and shining little rays of light in the aftermath of these so called disasters. It is hard for you on the earth plane to loose people to what you think is an unfair event. And we would like to remind you all that each and every one of you signed up for whatever happens in your lives before you incarnated on the earth plane. This is something we have said before. It is a requirement of incarnation. You must plan out your journey from beginning to end before you get there to the earth plane. Otherwise, you cannot get on the train to go there, so to speak.
Now, some of you may argue that you have free will, which you do. So, there are those of you who plot a course before you enter human form and once you get there you decide to change the path you are on and this is okay to do because you are learning and growing. Take for example, a man who chose to live in Haiti to learn lessons of true joy amongst poverty. But, then he decides to move to the United States and he experiences this lesson of joy in a very different way. It is all right for him to do this because he will have many more opportunities to incarnate again.
So, getting back to the earth energies; your earth energy field is shifting. It is dynamically changing and moving and shifting and growing into a higher level of its own form of consciousness. And you are along for the ride. There are many, many of you who chose to incarnate at this time to help the vibration of energy move forward in a better, easier, more comfortable way for the human race. Some of you are conscious that you are doing this work and some of you are not. And, we are confident that with introspection, you will come to the conclusion about who you are. You do not need to seek outside validation. Do not look to us as prophet word. We are not here to be followed. We do not wish you to worship us. We are just merely highlighting the natural events of your earth and letting you know that there are those of you who are tapped in and if you can tune into your own consciousness you will understand the work you are doing is helping to move the earth along.
Conversely, there are those of you who are not actively working towards helping the earth moving towards into a better energy system and this is okay as well. It is alright for all of you to be on different paths and different journeys throughout the earth plane. For, we all cannot, you all, cannot be at the same place at the same time. Otherwise there would be no need for growth and wisdom and change. , and honoring of knowledge. If you all knew the same things, life would be pointless in so many ways. Thus, we do not expect everyone to hear our message and understand it. Nor do we expect everyone to hear our message and believe it.
It is important after an energy eruption such as an earthquake, for those of you who are energetically sensitive and aware of how to work with subtle energy fields, to focus on the light. When an earthquake occurs it can feel scary and dark and controlling for those of you who are feeling its effects. For those of you who are outside of those boundaries of those affects it is important for you to shine light into that area. Almost as if you are shining a light into a cave. This will help to bring in the healing energies and sweep away dense energy that was trapped under the earth and now is sitting on top of the earth crust on the earth plane. The more of you who send light, such as reiki light (there are many others but Laura is a reiki practitioner and we would like to use that example through her)- So, if you send this reiki light, it will help to sweep away the old energy that has just been released from the earth. And, new fresh energy is left behind in its place. Where does it go after you sweep it away, you might ask? It is transmuted and healed and turned into rejuvenating healing energies to be used by you once again in a positive way.
We do not wish to alarm you or frighten you in any way by talking about this but, there are those energies that are heavier and denser and darker in energy if you like to put that label on them, and they are not interested in growing, evolving, changing and becoming lighter in frequency. They are dense and they like to stay where they are. They are independent of the human race and they exist in the universe just like everything else. Sort of like the yin and yang concept in Taoist/Buddhist concepts, Japan. We do not wish to imply that they are bad, although sometimes we do say they are negative, it just means that they are not interested in growing, but, staying behind. And, if they can stay behind in that natural form, then they will be the ones in control of your earth. And, they wish to have control of your earth energies so that they can firmly root themselves into this place in the atmosphere so that they do not have to change and grow. It can be equated with wanting more power, the actions that these energies are taking. Some of us are actually not seeing them as being power hungry but not seeing them any different than what they know, which is to conquer and control. And we do not wish to focus on them to give them any time in the spotlight so that their control and power may grow. But, we do wish to make you aware so that you can focus on the light. In focusing on the light, you will be helping to manifest and create the new earth energies that are slowly changing in your fields.
A lot of the energies that are changing are coming to a pinnacle in this upcoming year of 2011. We would like to be clear: Your world is not ending in 2011. It is not an apocalypse. We cannot stress this enough. We have said this before loud and clear and we will continue to say this to you, the human race: your earth is not ending in 2011. It is simply changing into a new energy system, a lighter, clearer, more healthy vibration. And, some humans do not understand this. They feel or see or hear that the energy is changing and they do not understand how or why so they are very fearful. And, thus, they are shouting from the rooftops like criers in town centers of old, “The world is ending!” And we are here to consistently say, and hold your hand, and remind you: IT IS NOT.
We are not angry with any of you who feel like it is ending. We understand that as we said before, all humans are on different evolutionary paths and you all have different understandings of how the world works. We, as an energetic group of outsiders to the earth, can see all of you in a bigger picture connected to each other, where you cannot. And, we are here to assist you and guide you gently should you accept our guidance. But, please remember that we are not in control of you. You are in control of you. And, it makes sense that you should be the ones to make the decisions in your lives. You may call on us and ask for guidance and we will be here to support you. But, we cannot take over the reigns of your life and we cannot do things for you. You are in charge of manifesting your own destinies. Should you choose to accept your missions, is up to you.
We are aware that you are doing good work Laura. And we do not wish to keep you long today so we thank you for your time. And we say with much love and affection, adieu. We are the Council of Light. We wrap you in a golden blanket of light to help sustain you and keep you safe and warm until the next time we are to meet again. We send this blanket not only to you Laura, as our channel, but also to all of you who are listening to our messages. We are aware of you all and we are thankful and grateful that you are reading what Laura is typing. And we wish you to know that we will start speaking to you on a more individual basis in the near future. Some of you feel like we are talking to you directly, and this is okay and quite rightly so. Should you have any questions for us, we will be working with Laura in the near future to align a process where you can communicate directly with us. Thank you for your time and patience and we look forward to our next meeting. Good bye.
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