This month in the live audience, we began with some funny and whitty joy. The Council of Light ran with it and gave a complete lecture on the topic of joy. They even had folx run the frequency of joy through ley lines across the earth. It garnered 2K heart likes from the live audience. Listen and participate, joyfully!
Laura West:
Okay. Hi, everyone. Welcome to another Council of Light channel message. I’m just going to give us a minute to gather in the room. There’s a lot of people streaming in, and then I’ll go over some of our housekeeping things and then we’ll get into it.
It nice to see you, Angela. Thanks for saying hi. Please do say hello, everybody. Let us know where you’re coming from. Fantastic. Ontario beautiful. Ontario is beautiful. I love, love, love being here with you all. Welcome from Brazil. So nice to see you. Welcome from Australia. So amazing. As you may know, I am in the Boston area. Cambridge, Massachusetts. We’ve got Phoenix in the house. We’ve got Nebraska in the house, Holland in the house. This is so cool, you guys. This is one of the reasons why I love our community so much.
So, I’m in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just outside Harvard Yard. For any of you are local here, you are experiencing the weather with me today. It is a raw and snowy, rainy, wet March day here. And so for all of you who are in sunny, warm locations, I’m loving it. Channel those beautiful, sunny, warm vibes for me.
I’m excited to get in my sauna later today, actually. It’s just a sauna kind of day here, but anyway. So, looks like a lot of folks have already entered, which is great. We’re gonna get started, I guess. Okay. Sweden very nice. I bet it’s cold in Holland right now. Yeah. Hello from Florida. Oh, Florida. I’ve got family in Florida. Very nice. I hope it’s sunny there and warm. Palm trees would be nice right about now for me.
But here we go. Okay, Council of Light. For those of you who’ve done this before, welcome back. And for those of you who are new, welcome to our crew. My name is Laura West. I am a channel for the Council of Light, this group of divine light beings who’ve been working through my voice box for well over a decade now.
And I’m also a psychic and a medium and an herbalist and a Reiki master teacher, blah, blah, blah, blah. I do a lot of things in my holistic healing practice. And you are here with me today in my holistic healing office. I see clients here. And I have wonderful session work I do, and then I do the Council of Light channel messages. They come through my voice box in this public forum once a month as a way to give back and express gratitude to humanity. It’s my personal human-ness way of expressing gratitude.
And I really, really like that they keep coming through me. I never set out to do this work with them. They found me and I’ve just been diligently showing up and allowing them to serve through my vocal cords. And they keep coming for all these years.
So the way this works is I’m going to close my eyes and let them speak. I’m awake, but I just like to close my eyes because I feel more in the zone with them when I do. And you might want to lie down or get into a comfortable, cozy position with your eyes closed, sitting upright. Sometimes some folks like to take notes because there’s things that you want to remember or key phrasings that you want to remember. So go ahead and get yourselves a notebook if that’s you.
But please, the only thing I say is they have really lovely spiritual energy. So please just don’t operate any heavy machinery or drive while you’re listening to this. We pretty much know that in this community we tend to be zenlike people. So, you get the idea.
Well, welcome, Britney. It’s a really cool environment. We’re glad you’re new here and we’re glad that you are able to join us. And I’m seeing lots of hearts rolling in now, too. This is awesome.
Good. Jasmine, thank you for parking your forklift. That’s awesome. No forklift driving right now. That’s incredibly funny. That’s awesome. Thanks, guys. I needed the humor. This is great. One more thing I always like to say is the hearts are so wonderful. I live for the hearts. They are fabulous. And as you know, you can also express gratitude through the monetary donations. I don’t expect that. It is always welcome and gratitude flows. If you want to do any kind of monetary gratitude expression, that’s fine too. The hearts serve me as well. And I love it, love it, love it.
All right, so let’s get into it, shall we? I’m going to close my eyes and stop talking. My human ego Laura West-ness is going to step out of the way and we’re going to let the Council of Light come through and give their little talk to us. And at the end, I will come back in and we will debrief for a little bit before we say goodbye. All right? See you guys on the flip side. All right.
Council of Light:
Greetings to you all, you bright, blessed beings there on that earth plane. We are the Council of Light. And we are here once again to share with you and to expound our knowledge for you and to laugh and chuckle with you. For we see that you are being silly today. We like that humans get to play and be joyful and rest in the energy of happiness. Because there is a lot of that energy of frequency that is in the ether around you all on that Earth plane. And yet so often you forget to tap into it. You forget that it’s right there in front of you. It’s being presented to you. It is a vibratory frequency. And you take your lives so very seriously.
And so today, with your chuckling and your giggling and your joke making, it’s nice that you’re entering into the space of listening to our words and being in that space of light heartedness and joyfulness as you do so. When you create joy in your lives, you live longer. When you create joy in your lives, you become happier over time, systemically, as a human beingness. When you create joy in your lives, you uplift the frequency of the vibration of the Earth plane, so it’s not as heavy and dense.
Joy is a powerful change agent. Joy can be something that you feel internally. Joy can be something that you express externally, outside yourselves. But joy is a free frequency that you get to ride like a horse or a vehicle or a frequency energy wave. And if you choose, you never have to step out of it. Joy can be a zone. Joy can be a cultivated mindset. Joy can be an essence. Joy can be a frequency.
You know what we’re talking about. You understand. And you’ve come across, and a few of you here listening to our message today are this, you’ve come across people who just exude joy all the time, even during strife, even during stress. They are the people that always find the good, find the happiness, make the light, bring the smile, bring the kindness in the eyes. You know them. Think about them. Bring that quality of that vibrancy, that spark, that effervescence, that bubbliness, that happiness that comes from them into your awareness right now.
As you bring this awareness into your mind and into your thought forms, you can begin to draw it from the mind into the eyes, from the eyes into the sinuses, from the sinuses into the mouth and down through the throat and into the neck and shoulders and down into the heart. That effervescent vibration of joy can now become part of your heart. Breathe it into your heart center very deeply.
For those of you who are visual learners, see it swirling and spiraling and circling and churning and twisting and turning in that heart center. And as you continue to breathe in and out at your own pace, in whatever way makes the most sense for you, notice that it grows more vibrant in its joyfulness. Notice that you begin to feel the frequency of it get more visceral in your heart so that you feel it.
And now, as you are in this frequency of this joy and you’re or absorbing it through your heart center, it is becoming the emotion that is you. It is becoming the frequency that is you. You can begin to exhale that joy out around you wherever you are in your beingness at this time. Feel that joy as it is you, coursing through you, moving out of you, into the space around you, to the walls that you’re in, to the ceiling and the floor, to the space that is the container of your dwelling that you’re in. Notice that joy as it permeates out through the space where you are in, and it traverses the entire structure of where you are. All the other rooms, all the other floors, all the other people that may be in that space cohabitating or working or dwelling or residing.
And they become touched by this joy. They may not be aware that the joy is touching them, caressing them, kissing their hearts, but they feel uplifted, they feel happier, they feel lighter, they feel a pep in whatever it is that they are doing at this moment. And now see that joy as it exits out through the structure and into the grounds. The nature around where you are dwelling at this time.
Feel that joy as it bumps up against the next dwelling either right next door or 100 miles away. Wherever you are located it is instantly in the next dwelling. Residential, commercial, private, public, it doesn’t matter. Notice that joy as it begins to coat and permeate and infuse through all the spaces that people inhabit. And that joy begins to uplift the frequencies in those structures around you, in your communities.
And now notice that each of you listening to our message from all over the Earth plane like a network and a grid sending your joy out, begin to parlay your joy together on the meridian lines of the Earth grid of energy network pathways and you co-create a joyfulness that becomes a large blanket that serves humanity and animal kind, we might add.
And it coats the entire Earth, all the continents, all the oceans, through the ether. So that the vibratory frequency of the Earth plane is uplifted now. And the frequency is light, pleasurable, harmonious, positive, loving and kind.
It is from this place now and in this frequency now, where you all have co-created and co-connected that we will speak to you. Thank you for expanding the room. We have been coming to talk to you for a very long time. And we are so thrilled to see that you are absorbing our messages and you are putting our wisdom teachings into practice between sessions. Kudos to you, human beings. You are doing a great job.
Now, of course, for those of you who are new listening to our words, we are not the only way to do things. We are not the deva god source. We are not the gurus that you need to bow down to and pay homage to. We don’t expect that. You come to find our messages and we are but one tool in your toolboxes of wellness, spiritual, holistic care for yourselves.
And yet we see that many of you have begun to practice what we talk about. Your breathwork and your concentrated focus for your mind efforts and your vibratory frequency clearings and your noticings about your sacred centerednesses. And that helps you to remain aligned with your sacred centeredness more frequently, more often, most of the time.
It is a nice feeling to be in this space and in this place and in this vibratory setting with you. You feel more aligned when you are cultivating this kind of conscious connection to yourselves at this time. And you do have other opportunities to connect with your centeredness and with your grandeur and with your greatness, your awesomeness, through your movement practices and your mantra practices and your prayer practices, etc., we’ve talked about that before.
But in this way now, through this visualization and this breathwork and this connecting to the energetic frequencies of the grid plane on the Earth plane, you’ve tapped in in a massive way and you’re all vibing together one big pulsation of joyfulness and it’s quite lovely.
We want to talk to you today about the ease and sophistication of your choices. So often you get yourself stuck in quagmires. Your mind mental thought forms run races around your emotionality and spiritualities and sacred centerednesses. Your mind thought forms attach to negativity and drama and stress and depression and sorrow and they just run those like loops over and over and over.
Oftentimes it can occur for you through blunt force trauma, shock to the system, sudden grief, sudden loss, et cetera. And then you run the trauma and you run the depression and you run the anger and you run the sadness over and over and over like loops.
Or the other way that it happens is by the sound currents, the feeds that you take into your awareness fields. We’ve talked to you about this before, too. Cultivate your sound currents very carefully. Guard them meticulously.
There are those of you who eat clean, organic, nutritious healthy food constantly to feed the body that is the temple. And you need to do the same with your sound currents. Edit your social media feeds down to the most crystalline, clear, positive, focused, pure vibrations possible. Get rid of all the distraction that is negative. Do not watch, do not listen to and do not read the so called news that your humans run that is fear based, lack based, distressing, violent, etc.
That’s also another way that you begin to run the negativity and the fear and the sadness and the anger and the depression. And you’ve done it through this osmosis of your sound currents and what you’re absorbing.
We’ve also talked to you before about cultivating relationships. People who are only in their right centeredness. Say goodbye to the complainers. Say goodbye to the Negative Nancys or the Debbie Downers, as you call them. Remove yourself from being in relationship with people who are not quite the best for you. You call them toxic. We call them not right for you.
And so today, as we go back and highlight what those two currents are that allow you to be in that mental mind space of always in the feed of the negativity or the toxicity, we want to say that it’s very easy for you to turn those switches off. It is very easy for you to enter into a state of aligned joyfulness, just like you are right now. Just like you did when we entered into this space with you and we had you think of someone who runs the Joy frequency.
Bring that Joy frequency awareness into your thought forms. Transfer the Joy Frequency from your thought forms into your physicality. Run it down through your head, through your neck and shoulders, and into your heart. Breathe the Joy Frequency through your heart so that you expand it and you see it viscerally, and you sense it physically. You physically feel the joy in your beingness, and then you send it out around you to the people you live with and work with and reside with in your communities, and then you network with each other. And now you’re in the Joy frequency. You are the joy frequency. It is that easy.
We are the Council of Light. We come from source. We are a vibration of light frequency. And so we see that it’s very easy to. Just be it. Just do it. Just become it. And it’s easy for us, of course, because we don’t have those physical bodies, and we don’t have all of that pea soup energy that we’ve referenced hundreds of times through all these messages over all these years.
You humans have a very challenging, experience that you’re running yourselves through on that Earth plane. It’s very dense there. There’s a lot of distraction there. And so it would be wise of you to come back into this space to run this frequency of joy. Repeat the exercise daily if you desire. But regularly, for the benefit of not only yourself, but your loved ones and your communities and the Earth at large.
Joyfulness is lighter than sadness. Joyfulness is a frequency that is more etheric, more sparkly, more effervescent. And it is so needed to balance out the hardness of the rigidity, of the intensity of the anger and the sadness and the polarization and the judgment and the quick thinking justifications, et cetera, et cetera. You don’t need to be of those frequencies. You can notice them and not be of them. You can see that those frequencies take up a lot of space on the Earth plane, but you don’t need to run those frequencies through yourselves. You can shift and practice being in the joy current more often. It is a cultivated, conscious practice that you can bring into your environment to practice for yourselves, much like you practice your movement techniques. Many of you practice that practice called yoga. And you work diligently to stretch your muscles, to move your bodies into positions that you once could not do.
Many of you practice a meditative technique where you empty the mind and the emptiness of Zen nothingness becomes the glorious, bliss filled space that you crave, and you work your way back into longer and longer and longer stretches of doing it.
We say that the cultivation of the joy currency, the joy frequency, is no different. You, as humans, are really souls in human form. Your soul essence is your true soul self. And your soul essence is of light, effervescent, joy. That is your divine right. Happiness, peacefulness, contentment, joyfulness, success. You are able to have that and be that when you practice that in a cultivated and concise way.
And this exercise here today is a way that you can do that. Running the joy. Noticing if you are new to running the joy, if this is a concept that is something that you are not practiced at, you will notice the negativity, you will notice the hardship. You will notice the disgruntledness. You will notice all the other that is not joy, and you will notice it big time. Now that we’ve put the joy currency on your radar.
When you notice the other that is not joy in its intensity, in the flip side of things, you can then take that as your signal to cultivate consciously the joy frequency that we referenced and had you enter into at the start of today’s lecture.
Whether you’re able to drop in immediately in the moment or whether you have to wait till you get home, if you’re out and about in your communities and in your environment at large, it’s okay. It doesn’t matter. But you can begin to practice noticing when the anti joy, shall we say, the otherness that is not joy is a better way to describe it, is staring you in the face, or it is looming large in your sound currents or in your information intake awarenesses.
You can turn off those frequencies so at least you’re residing in a space of neutrality until you can have a cultivated space to practice the joy frequency.
And in fact, we are now simultaneously talking to you and giving Laura directives at the same time, to isolate that joy script and bring it into a meditative experience that is on its own, individually, to have it highlighted for you, so that you don’t have to run this entire script of our whole message. You can just run the isolated script of that joy exercise. Something for you to look forward to. A little nugget, perhaps.
Go back to breathing in the joy. Go back to residing in that network, that gridded leyline frequency of connectedness that you are all running together at this time. Some of you may feel it like a physical pulsation in your body, a vibration. Some of you may sense a heaviness or a dizziness or a wooziness or a lightheadedness in the mind, in the heart of the head. Some of you might be noticing butterflies in the tummy, the gut mind. Some of you might be noticing a loving kindness, metta, compassion that is running through your heart center. Some of you may be experiencing all of it all at once. Some of you might be noticing that there is an effervescent light heartedness that is running through your physicality so that you feel lighter, as if you’re floating or lifted it or elevated ever so slightly off of the space that you’re residing right now physically. Some of you might be noticing that you are turning into the particles of the joy frequency and your physicality feels like it is changing into effervescent bubbliness. All of this is true.
And for those of you who are just noticing that you’re simply here witnessing and watching and hearing, that’s okay. Your frequencies might not be ready to tap in or to notice the grid. But because you are hearing the sound of us talking about the grid, because you are hearing the sound of us telling you that there is a network of you connected, you are in the network. You are riding the wave. You are surfing the energy. You might not be able to feel it yet or know it yet for yourself, and that’s all right.
There is a vast continuum of frequency sophistication that runs this current. Some of you are just starting out, and some of you are decades in. The time doesn’t matter. When you plug into the experience and you run the currency and you feel the currency, and you know the currency, that’s what matters. It can happen instantaneously, like Kundalini rising. It can happen over a slow and steady 25 year cultivated 1foot in front of the other practice and both methodologies are okay.
Each of you has an energy imprint that is just your own unique pathology. And there is not one way that is right or wrong. You all are tapping into your sacred, spiritual, centered frequencies, and in this case, today, with the joy frequency at your own pace.
And you’re doing it in the most glorious way that is right for you. For as we’ve shared with you before, and we will share with you and remind you again, you humans are great divine beings. Each of you in your own way and in your own space. You’re there on that human earth experience and in that lifetime of yours to run, to grow, to learn, to know, to master the lessons that lifetime after lifetime after lifetime, you’ve come to master, to be the holders of the space for the others who you promised you would help to hold space for so they could run their lessons and their currencies and their frequencies of of learning.
And it’s nice for you all to gather in this arena and in this capacity together and in this frequency of space in groups like this. Because you amplify your sacredness, you amplify your divinity, you amplify your authenticity, you amplify your effervescence, you amplify your light.
And in today’s message as we talk about joy currency, you absolutely 110% amplify the joy frequency. And you run it through the frequency of the rest of the world so that others can experience it too. There are humans who are suffering There are humans who are in deep pain. And when you run this joy frequency, it touches them whether they are conscious of it or not. Of it or not. And you do yourselves, as a humanity, a great service.
Joy is a currency. Joy is a frequency of change. Joy is a frequency of enlightenment. Joy is a frequency of effervescence. You all understand the laws of gratitude. And when you run a gratitude attitude, you run a frequency of attraction, and good things come to you. Joy is that. The joy currency brings you abundance, plain and simple.
It is so nice for us to be here observing this frequency as it is running through the gridded networks of the Earth plane. For those of you who are the clairvoyants, the seers, you see the colors, you see the grids, you see the networked lines and meridians. You see the energy as it is vibing. Think of it like your cable fios, Ethernet, internet connectivity. It’s like that.
And so, you amazing, divine, special sparks of light that call yourselves humans with bodies that are physical there on that Earth plane, run your souls. Give yourself high fives. Breathe together in this collective consciousness. Applaud yourselves for running the joy currency.
It’s okay to champion yourself. There’s nothing wrong with saying, yeah, we’re doing something awesome. Yeah, we’re amazing.
You don’t give yourselves enough credit. Stay true to yourself. Stay true to your humbleness. Stay true to your authentic, centeredness. And also give yourselves a pat on the back. Applaud yourselves. You do great work. You’re amazing. It’s hard being human.
There is a ton of stuff to navigate there on that Earth plane, and it’s challenging. You go there to have fun. You go there to incarnate into your lifetime so that you can experience all that there is to experience of sound and touch and taste and effervescence all those frequencies that we’ve referenced so many times before. And there’s a lot of challenge. There’s a lot of sandpaper. There’s a lot of grit and muck and meyer. And you’re surrounded by it a lot in all the different ways that we’ve referenced in today’s lecture.
And so when you’re out of those tight containers and you’re in the frequency of the open, expanded joy, yes, it’s time to celebrate. Can you feel each other’s frequencies right now? Some of you are saying yes, some of you can. Some of you are dialed in and you’re able to run the frequencies knowing that you are up against and cohabitating with the other joy senders right now listening to this message. Good job plugging in. Good job noticing. Do this together more often.
Why do you think we come to you every month in your time script constructs? We love to have you network. We love to have you gather together in this big arena. We love to have you cohabitate and notice each other and bump up against each other and sit next to each other and say, hi, friend, how you doing? So nice to see you. There’s so many of you who repeat listening and who repeat coming to the visceral experience of our live message. It’s wonderful, isn’t it? It’s a nice touchstone for yourselves.
Again. We are not the end all, be all. We are not putting ourselves on a pedestal. We are not the only voice of wisdom. You have lots of other outlets where you get your knowledge and your wisdom and your grace connection from. We don’t mean to tell you that we are the end all, be all. Do not take us as that.
But when you’re here and you’re in this expanded space and you’re breathing the vibration of cocreated harmony such as the way you’re doing now, it’s a glorious feeling. You are cleansing. You are harmonizing, you are aligning. You are opening and focusing, and it’s a wonderful currency and frequency to run. Do it more often for yourselves. You deserve it. It’s your authentic selves. You’re cleansing your palates, and you’re returning to your true soul centerednesses by doing this kind of work.
And we love to come, and we love to speak to you, and we love to give you advice, and we love to notice the patterns that are the topics of the moment, and we love to highlight them for you. And it is a great honor that we get to come and speak to you.
And so with that, we will begin to help you dial things back so that you can be contained in your own energy energy frequencies before we move on.
So as you’re noticing, the grid network that’s blanketing the entire Earth begin to run your frequency back through one of the meridian lines and feel as it’s disconnecting from all the other frequencies of the people that have run theirs out into the connected blanket of the grid. Bring it back into your community. Bring it back into your dwelling. Bring it back into your physical space that is your immediate surrounding, your four walls and your ceiling and floor. Bring it into your space around your physicality that is your energy bubble. Bring it into your physicality now and feel that it is completely contained within you. We won’t have you send it back up through your heart and up through your eyes and out through your mind and back to the person that you originally noticed the joy from. We’re going to have you keep it in your heart.
It’s okay for you to be joy all the time. And now, as you get ready to move on and go back into your waking days, notice that you can run this joy frequency whenever you want, sending it out, breathing it out, connecting it, and networking it with those around you in the meridian lines, the ley lines, the energy frequency lines of the earth plane, whenever you feel like you want to.
And we do recommend that you cultivate this practice for yourselves like any other practice that you’ve cultivated for yourself else in your lives. When you were babies you learned how to walk. You learned how to talk. You learned how to read. You learned how to write. You learned how to do sums. And you did it over many years. You can run the joy frequency with that much cultivated concentration you know. The earth needs you. Think of yourself as light warriors. It’s okay for you to be light warriors in the most compassionate, loving, crystalline, clear way.
We will talk about being Light warriors again another day. That’s a topic for another time. We won’t open that can of worms and diverge into another message entirely as we’re wrapping up with you today. We’ve talked about that before. You can go back and listen to our messages in the vault. But we’ll bring it through to you again in an upcoming message.
And now for today, we will say thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for listening to our words. Thank you for co-creating. We are the Council of Light and we wrap you in a golden blanket of light to sustain you and nourish you and keep you ever so tight until we are to come and speak to you again.
We will come next month through this voice box of this woman. She is very good at being punctual. She is very good about being organized. She is very good about being diligent. And now we will take our leave and we will let you all go on. So, thank you and goodbye.
Laura West:
Hi, everyone. Just going back through some of the comments here. It says sounds like I missed some good energy. I hope I can join in. You certainly can.
Thank you ever so much. I love of this so much. Such divine synchronicities. Yes, there are tons of divine synchronicities when the Council of Light talk.
You’re welcome. You’re welcome. Everyone’s saying thank you. You’re so welcome.
I live the frequency of the Council of Light. I run them as my sound current in my Laura West ego mind. I’ve been running them as my sound current for a long time now. And it’s like a ticker tape. You know on news feeds when you see like the ticker tape of news that runs underneath? And then there’s the person talking. Well, right now I’m talking to you all as Laura West, the ego human. And they are ticker taping underneath me and telling me exactly what to say. And they’re telling me all the things that need to come out of my mouth. Isn’t that a glorious way to be? That’s the glorious, right?
I feel really lucky that this is my life and I love to co-create with all of you and pause from the day to day and the hustle and the bustle and to be here in this way, networking. Gosh, I feel like I could have showtunes running through me right now or something.
Oh, thanks. I think you guys are amazing. We’re just all humans having an amazing spiritual experience together. How about that? You all are wonderful. And I truly, truly, truly am so grateful that we get to do this every month together.
Yeah. New Zealand is on the Council of Light grid, Cheryl. That is right. That is absolutely right. Yep. There’s been a ton of Leyline grids that I have been able to personally travel to around the Earth plane and experience the Council of Light on. And New Zealand is an upcoming one for me. So you and I, we will chat.
Oh, cool. Okay. Arlene is saying, I just came across an affirmation a few days ago that I resonated to. I am here to experience joy in a physical body.
I am here to experience joy in a physical body. I am here to experience joy in a physical body. I don’t know why I’m singing, but there we go. We’re singing it. We are joy. We can be joy.
Okay, everyone, I think I’m gonna say thanks, and we’re gonna begin to wrap up. It’s been almost 45 minutes that we’ve been together, and I’m really glad that we got to spend this time together.
© All Rights Reserved. Laura West, M.Ed., RMT | Divine Lotus Healing, LLC. | March 2023
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