Divine Lotus Life Toolkit
The Biz
I take all my notes for everything in my life in one cute notebook after another. Streaming consciousness style. I use binder clips to keep sections organized. For example, I might have a page full of sums then a few pages of notes from a class I’m taking then some lists of shopping to-do’s. It’s all in one place in each notebook. Then I recycle them when they are full.
Blue Microphones Yeti-USB Professional Microphone is the one I use to do all my recordings, podcasts, meditations, etc. It’s easy to use, no set up required, and is a great price! Mine is silver color, but it comes in many other colors.
Not only does my family travel using Aribnb, my essential oil team does as well! We hold masterminding leadership retreats 2x a year and we hold a huge weekend long oil immersion retreat for everyone in our Divine Lotus Doterra Team! You can stay in some affordable, cool places in the world this way!