Reiki Sessions
Rei = spiritual. Ki = life force. Origin: Japan
Spiritual life force energy inherent in all living things.
Reiki Benefits
when a person is in distress the benefits of Reiki can serve them well
a transformation of body, mind and soul can occur with Reiki
Reiki can help one to remember who one truly is on a soul level
Reiki travels to the source of an issue within the body, mind or emotions and begins to remove it
Reiki compliments a healthy life style (much like wellness care in chiropractic & acupuncture fields)
Reiki can help to promote spiritual/ mental/ emotional growth
Reiki can help to actualize and/ or quicken the pace of ones goals
Reiki can help quicken the pace of healing that is naturally occurring in the body around injured spots such as with kidney stones or breast cancer etc.
Reiki supports your entire being: mental, emotional, physical, etheric to balance and relax.
What to Expect During Your Reiki Sessions
Two types of sessions are offered: Distance Reiki Sessions for people living anywhere in the world and Office Reiki Sessions for people who are able to come to my Cambridge office.
I scan your energy body by using a light touch of my hands. The head, shoulders, chest, stomach and kidneys are most commonly worked with, along with the chakra system on occasion. Areas of physical ailment (such as a tweaked knee for example) are also focused on when needed.
During the session, as I scan your body, you may experience light tingling, buzzing, heat, or coolness in different parts of the body. All of this is natural and is a sign that your energy body is realigning and purifying itself. Deep relaxation or a sense of peace may also be experienced by the end of the session.
Client Feedback
Release Head Tension
My headache went away. I feel so much more relaxed now. I was so tense before the session. Now I feel great.
Release Anxiety
The anxiety attack I was having lessened to almost gone. I’m so grateful to you Laura. An amazing hour for sure.
Better Sleep
I’ve been sleeping better since I started these sessions. I usually wake up two or three times a night but since my Reiki began, I don’t wake up at all!
Why Choose A Reiki Session?
relaxation tool for well being
stress reducer/ calms nerves
Reiki done before & after surgery may help to:
ensure a faster surgery process with more accurate results
quicker healing times
higher rates of recovery
great for pregnant women; helping to relax the body
can help one deal with pain & stress occurring in one’s life at that time
can help with feelings of being overwhelmed
Reiki is sometimes equated with being an “energy massage”
Kidney Stones Testimonial
My kidney stones are gone. My primary care physician thinks it is possible that the Reiki session I had with you helped to dissolve them. I had two large stones on Saturday, the Reiki session on Sunday and saw the doctor on Monday. In the CAT scan they were completely gone- I would have known if I passed them, but I didn’t feel any pain at all.
More From Clients
Light & Airy
I don’t feel depressed anymore; I feel light and airy. My mind is back. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Beautiful Colors
Before the session began, when I closed my eyes I saw things in black and white. During the session, that slowly shifted and I became aware of colors in my mind’s eye. Now when I close my eyes, I see bright colors- beautiful colors!
Before the session, I felt sluggish and tired. But, after the session was over I had an energized body and mind. I went home and tackled a project I’d been putting off for weeks.
Deep Listening
I had some powerful messages from my guides during the session. I’ve been trying to hear them for a long time and I think through the Reiki I was able to calm my mind and really listen.
Reiki Sessions can be held in person in the Cambridge Office or via distance; anywhere in the world.
Reiki Session in Office
This session is best for people who live within the Boston Cambridge metro area and can come into the office.
(335 Broadway, Cambridge, MA, USA. Free parking behind building.)
Distance Reiki
This session is best for people who live anywhere in the world and would like to receive the benefits of Reiki.
(Sessions are held within Eastern Standard Time from the Boston area.)
If you’re ready to feel more relaxed, heal faster and become balanced in mind, body and spirit book a Reiki session today!
Choose the option that is best for you:

Distance Reiki Session Feedback
Super Relaxed
I got into this super relaxed altered state of consciousness and then I could not even get the phone as it was ringing afterwards. I went into this really relaxed state of being and napped for a couple of hours. Wow! London, England
At Ease
I was aware of the energy you were sending while I was taking my exam. I could feel a light tingling feeling come over my whole body. It helped to put me at ease. The Berkshires, Massachusetts
Reiki for Baby
Thank you for sending Reiki to me and my son. He is doing so much better now, mellowed out, not crying as much at night. I think the Reiki sessions with you really helped. Los Angeles, California
I could feel this warmth rising in my belly button area. And I lay down and meditated while you were doing your work. It was very relaxing. I sensed that a clearing was happening. Now I’m going to go rest in the lovely energy for a few more minutes. Thank you so much Laura! Bangor, Maine
Torn Rotator Cuff
Session to help an arm/muscle injury: At the time you started the session I intuitively felt you had started so I went to lay down and fell asleep. Before falling asleep I felt heat energy running up and down my arm! I also felt when you had finished. Some time later I went outside to walk and I lifted my arm and felt no pain! Dallas, Texas
TMJ Relief
Thank you very much for the wonderful distance Reiki session and follow up message. You are so gifted and so accurate. I could feel the energy. I was listening to harp music while in the subway, how perfect and very healing! I talked with my dentist about you and our session and he seemed impressed with the work you did with my jaw and TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder). Overall, I feel better. Thank you so much! New York City
Thank you so much for the distance healing session last weekend. It was very helpful and I appreciate that you took the time. Your report was very accurate! Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Helped So Much
Laura, the Reiki sessions with you over the last few months have made such a difference! I’m no longer in pain and can go to work each day. I feel like I’ve got my life back. I can function again. I want to cry I’m so happy. I can’t thank you enough. Puerto Rico