Happy New Year! In this channeled message, the Council of Light shower us with good vibrations, blessings and reminders of our unique soul being. Enjoy!
Greetings to you, all you bright blessed beings there on that Earth plane. We are so thrilled to be with you on this day of all days, in this Joy of all Joys, in this effervescent bubbly energy of all beautiful energies for you.
See, you all think you are marking the end of one period and the start of another, but it’s actually a Quantum space that you have shifted into, in this way in this place here today. When you are able to, it is very important to pause during these momentous occasions: the summer solstice, the winter solstice, the New Year Shift, etc. Etc. Your birth days, might we also add.
Because on these momentous occasions there have been time structure continuities that change and it is important for you to mark them, to absorb the frequency of the energy as it shifts through you, in you, and around you when you are alive on that Earth plane. Your soul understands that there is energetic effervescence that courses through you all the time and that it is always alive and a light and positive and moving forward with the utmost care free sanctuary possible for you. But, your ego and your mental mind of your humanness gets clouded over time.
You become disgruntled. You become sad. You become stressed. You become frustrated. Sometimes you fall ill and get sick with germs and the like and it is easy to forget that the effervescence and the positivity and that open expansive energy that surrounds you at all times is always there for you. Right there, by your side, behind you, in front of you, above you, below you, all around you.
And so, on days like today, it is interesting we note that we are coming to you at our regularly scheduled time, the first Saturday of the month, each time that we come to talk to you in this format. But it happens to be this cataclysmic, shifting, energetic moment right now in this ether on your human space plane. You are all able to tap into this space and this framework, and this activation of sorts, if you will.
Now, while we’ve talked to you today and we give you some discourse about the energetics of the day, we also want you to know that you are being healed. You are being vibratory aligned. Your frequencies are being culled, purified, accentuated with the Divine. We don’t mean to give you any alarm by saying this to you, but we do wish to tell you that those of you who feel buzzing or tingling or presence around you, it is US plain and simple. It is us.
The Divine is always here to serve you and the Divine is always willing to be with you. And the Divine is always wanting to work with you. We are tasked with that. We are charged with helping Humanity as you grow and you move forward and you learn and you become Blissful in your evolutionary continuum’s of your lives.
And so we are a group called the Council of Light. We’ve told you about ourselves many times before, we will not dive into that in particular today. If you would like to understand more about that you can go back to our past Works to reference what we have said.
But we want to say that we’re working with you in this capacity today on a subtle energy field level, not only us but other Divine Spiritual Beings in your particular, individual lives. There are hundreds and hundreds of you listening to this message and these words here today. We are working with each one of you individually, and we’re also working with your own tribe, your own group, your own source of divine connection.
So, if it helps you to familiarize yourselves with that concept, whatever it is that you call upon, whatever language structure that you use, choose to bring forward that spatial awareness of spiritual sacred connectedness with that Divine Source in your personal life. Go ahead and call upon it now. You can do so in your mind’s eye or you can speak it out loud, invite it to surround you to be with you to work with you today in this harmonic energy.
Go ahead. We will wait.
And for those of you who are calling in more, please continue to do so as we speak. When you are able to have a touchstone, like this, when you are able to sit quietly calmly, focused with your energetic, attentions to this space of bigger other earnest, sacredness, beyond yourself, you think of it, sometimes as outside yourselves, but really, it is within, you think of spirit as being above you, but really it is all around. Right?
There is this understanding that you yourself are the spiritual catalyst, that you yourself are that Divine Oneness, that you yourself are that frequency of love and harmony and joy and peace and calm and centeredness and blissfulness.
And when you pause like this, and you hear us, reminding you of this, you come back into your soul centered selves. For you are purity. You are positivity. You are loving kindness. You are the best most awesome, Grand we mean awesome, sense of self that there ever could be and there always will be.
You lose sight of this with your day-to-day stressors and your day-to-day busyness and your day-to-day lives and all of that silly technology that has filled your attention spans, and it is racking your physical health. We will not get into that now.
But, you step away from your true selves when you are in your everyday lives. You step away from your essence of Purity when you are out of this mentality, right here, right now.
So, let’s do an exercise with you. Let’s celebrate your sense of Soul. Let’s celebrate your sense of connectedness with your peace, in your harmony, and your joy with yourselves as Divine beings.
Take your hands and place them anywhere on your body physically that you wish to place them: crossing them over your heart, bringing them up around the throat, placing at the top of the head, bringing them down to the gut and that solar plexus area, wherever it is that you wish to put your hands right now.
Lay your hands upon your beingness and consecrate the loving kindness that is yourself. Feel it as you breathe in deep breaths to your centeredness. And release.
Deep breaths in and again, full of blissful, peaceful, joyful energy to your centeredness. And release.
As you center even more deeply with your aligned Soul self you are harmonized, you are a climatized. This is your true self. This is who you are at all times beneath the stress and the strife, and the anger, and the busyness, and the toing and froing and the humming in the hoe-ing.
We see you as sparks of light. We see you as vibratory frequency, as if you are the energetic cord of music plucked on a violin string and cascading out as a vibrational frequency into the Ether at large.
You are all so special. You are all glorious for us to bear witness to with our divine eyes, from our space, in the source of light and love. And we absolutely have the most joy and greatest positive honor to come here in these ways and speak with you, and align you to your remembered selves. For you are truly Blissful. And you are truly Divine. And you are truly special.
You came to this Earth Plane to do your good work of growing and learning and playing and knowing. That’s why you incarnated. You’re here to experience all the sights and sounds and smells and tastes and touches and pleasures of that Earthly realm, and you are doing a beautifully fantastic job.
And so, today, we celebrate. Today, we mark your space and time continuum through your calendar markings of time passing, and we pause that year of 2021. And we bring in the hello, the fresh, the vibrant, the new of the 2022.
Please take a moment to honor your joys, your sorrows, your hardships, your triumphs of this past calendar year. For there have been many. You all have passed so many hurdles and you all have crossed so many mountainous regions of your lives.
And we applaud you. We applaud you for doing the greatest work possible. Yes. It has been very challenging for many of you. And yes, there is still a ways to go but we want you to celebrate the fact that you are here now, in this space, breathing, loving, being. so that you come in crystal clear.
Take simple joy in the fact that you are alive. Take simple joy in the fact that you are a miracle because you are here and you are conscious and you are choosing to acknowledge that you are good pure light.
We are making the woman we come through with her voice box cry. She feels your Divinity and it is overpowering to her. It is washing through her like a great light of healing balm and it is amazing. If you all could be so lucky to tap into that every day, all the time for Humanity’s greatness, you would not feel sorrow any longer in your lives.
Perhaps, now some of you are feeling this. Perhaps now some of you are coursing the waves of this great loving light. Perhaps some of you now are acknowledging that this is your truly Divine Birthright.
We will pause for a moment and let her acclimatize her physical being so that we can continue to speak through her. It is rare than her physicalness gets in the way of these messages that we bring through. But there is such a great pulsation of light that we understand that it is coursing through and through and through to all of you, like a strobe light, like a beacon. Feel it. Have it radiate in. Acknowledge that it is coursing into you. Soak it up like sun rays. Drink it in like beautiful acclimatized liquid of your choosing, healthful, nourishing, wondrous, thirst-quenching.
And so now we would like to Pivot a little bit and talk about the celebration of today and why it’s important for you to not only acknowledge this Joy of this time here and now, but to carry it forward as far into your future days as possible.
Many of you are able to pause today and to acknowledge this shift of frequencies: the ending of one and the starting of another, but we encourage you to to do this again tomorrow, when you are awake and it is a new day and you are refreshed and you are energetically moving into a new light and a new space.
We invite you to cultivate this sense of Joy, this sense of Peace, this sense of Harmony, and this sense of Grace in whatever ways that makes sense for you.
Those of you who are exercisers, go ahead and do that. Those of you who are contemplative prayer believers, go ahead and do that. Those of you who are yogic practitioners for self, go ahead and do that.
There is no one way to get into this mode that you’re in right here now, feeling this energetic frequency of alignment and opening, and harmonizing and expanding.
We invite you to continue with these micro moments of Touchstone tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after, and the day after. You don’t need to come back to a session like this every single day for an hour at a time. We understand that you humans don’t have enough space in your lives to do this and dedicate to yourselves because you filled your modern living with other things that you deem valuable that actually take up a lot of time.
And so, tomorrow and particularly for those of you who are on Monday returning to “normal work routines”, we see that many of you have had this traditional week off in this winter time break. And so we invite you to on Monday come home from the work routine and do something to cultivate this sense of Peace for yourselves, this sense of calm, this sense of Joy, this sense of Harmony, whether it be 45 minutes or whether it be for a full hour. It doesn’t matter. Just anticipate. Build in a routine of some sort. So that when you are able to be in your physicality on your own, solo on Monday, you can return to the Solace of your sacred Soul self.
We invite you to start to think about this as a practice for yourself on a daily basis or as frequently as possible. When you do so you’re able to weather the storms of your lives much more easily. When you’re able to center and ground and hear your inner knowingness of your souls intuitive speak, you’re able to navigate the highs and the lows with a middle path. As you go. The intensities are not as affecting, and the joys are over bursting. And there are more joys. And there are less intensities.
We know this to be true because there are many of you who are coming out of this entire germ period as you cycle through another hotspot, we see for many folks right now in this physical moment, but our point here is that many of you have said it’s not been disastrous for you. It’s actually been glorious and wonderful and nourishing and many gifts and blessings have come out of this time. Because you know how to tap into your centeredness, you know how to tap into your intuitive knowingness, you know how to see and feel the world with your glasses half full, always half full.
And for those of you who are not quite there yet, for those of you who have had Touchstone moments of that, but you don’t live that as the drumbeat of your lives, we speak to you now, to cultivate a practice, a touchstone of yes. A touchstone of centeredness, a touchstone of calmness, a touchstone of Grace and soothing and wonderment and joy and knowingness as frequently as possible.
And as we’ve said in many, many of our past messages over time, we don’t tell you one way to do that, because you humans are wonderfully diverse. And you humans have many, many, many different systems, and language constructs and routines, and processes to do that for yourselves. Go ahead and do it all.
You are gloriously, creative and wonderfully Divine. And we love how all of you have come up with your different routines. Your body practices, your mind concentrations, and the like, to help yourselves to find the Touchstone to recalibrate, not only the mind, not only the physicality, but the heart self to so that you can strip away all the hubbub and discordance to get to that inner soul knowingness of self to listen to that space.
Now, we call it the inner soul knowingness of self. While some of you may call it God Source or the angels. It’s all the same, that God source and those angels. They speak through your heart. They love you and they channel through your inner wisdom. They talk to you through your ears and they speak to you through your thought forms, and it also aligns with yourself and amalgamizes, and it harmonizes and alkalizes to become one. For you are Divine.
You came from Divinity. You incarnated into your human form. And you will expire when your time is over on that Earth plane in your physical shell and you will move back into a space of Soul self, a Divine space of openness and freeness, of limitless potential. And if you are dedicated and if you are disciplined, you can touch that space now on that physical Earth plane with yourselves with your egos, with your busy schedules, with your technology, pulling you in seventy seven different distracting directions.
You know what we speak of. You feel the harmony. You sense the shift. Take another nice deep breath into the center of your beingness now.
Hold it. Release.
Take another nice deep breath into the center of your great glorious being- ness-es.
When more of you can do more of this more often, you change the vibrational frequency of the earth plane. You heal the Earth. There is disgruntled-ness. There is suffering. There is sorrow. There is trauma. There is pain. And that is a base frequency. That is a very low vibration.
And when you can be in this etheric, upper ether energy with us here and now, in this space, you begin to sprinkle love and kindness, light and effervescent Joy all over that Earth vibration like droplets of water onto the ground. So that beautiful flowers can start to germinate from tiny seeds and grow. And you begin to cultivate a sense of joyfulness of loving-kindness of cultivated compassion on that Earth plane. And it begins to take over and neutralize and stamp out tamp out all of that oppressive, disgruntled heavy energy that we just spoke about.
And so we like to be in this space with you, and we like to see that when you all take your breaths in, there is a collective shockwave of love that expands out around the earth, and It coats like a beautiful blanket of light around the energetic capacity that is the vibration of the Earth plane.
You are doing service to not only your fellow humans by shifting that vibrational frequency, but you are also doing a service to the Mother Earth Energy when you take that action. Mother Earth has been your rock physically and metaphorically for Millennia. She is always willing to receive and she dutifully accepts everything that you have dumped, poured, dug, buried, thrown into her. And she needs you now because she’s at a full capacity. She needs you now to send her loving kindness. She needs you now to send that effervescent quality, that light frequency of love and greatness of self, of source light into her. She can’t hold much more.
We don’t mean to sound dire, but she absorbs so much physically on that Earth plane. You humans in a very short space of time, have done an incredible awful amount of filling up the closet with stuff, shall we say? But it’s time for you to begin to purge and what greater time to purge than now. Not just because it is the New Year, but because she needs your help.
So let us all take another deep breath in together. Hold.
And this time when you exhale, send it down into the Earth, through your dwelling, through your space, on the Earth plane into the Earth. Let it seep down like a flush, like a rush, like a golden glow of water, like an effervescent light gleaming into the Earth. Let it wash through her mantle and her core. Let it pick up all the junk, all the distorted energies, all the physical debris and let it tie it all up into one tidy neat package to be recycled.
Do it again, please. She needs to feel your breath. Send it down in a giant whoosh.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
You humans are magical and divine. You humans are healers and all it takes is this energetic frequency and this energetic capacity.
We thank you. We thank you. We thank you.
You might, in your coming days as we referenced earlier in our message today, spend a few moments daily breathing that Divine Oneness that is self, down into the Earth so she can feel rejuvenated and restored and cleansed and cleared. What a gift. Not only do you serve self, but you serve that space in which you call home. That Earth planet, that physicality that is so magical and so wonderful.
And if you do this right, humans, if you do this, right, with your scientists understanding how to close the ozone and with your environmentalists understanding how to stop deforesting, and with your recyclers understanding how to gather the trash, you will do right by that Earth and future Generations 17 times over will spring a new and live in bliss and harmony, just like you.
Do this for yourselves, do this for the generations past, who left the gift to you. Honor your ancestors, who kept things tight and right and clean. Honor your future offspring who have yet to incarnate. They are waiting in the wings. They have yet to see if they will come to a planet that is sustainable. It is not too late. Give yourselves this gift. Give yourselves this blessing.
And now, we will pivot once more back to the understanding that today here, now, in this exact moment is a beautiful Arc of time that has been paused and separated out from the other drum beats of your day-to-day lives. This is a magical moment. This is a mystical moment. This is a special ending and beginning hybrid.
You have paused and said goodbye to one and you have opened the door and you’re stepping through the portal into another new. Bring the positive energy with you into the new. Bring your loving kindness for yourself and for those around you into the new. Bring the knowingness that you are special and you are unique and you are positively true and you are a wonderful unique individual being just for you into the new space, into the vibratory frequency of your fresh start. Know that you have all the potential in the world at your fingertips at all times.
When you vibrate to an open pure frequency, when you vibrate to a loving kindness for self, then you attract that in to yourself. For what you are is your reality. When you think you are divine, when you feel that you are soul centered, the world around you is divine and soul centered. It echoes back to you what you are.
Your vibrational capacity can hold more frequency of love and light when you practice being the vibrational capacity of love and light. It is true for you at all times. And so we invite you and we remind you to cultivate your practices to find your centeredness, to find your soul selves, to find your divine grace.
Take your baths. Soak in the waters. Take your walks in the forests and breathe in the healing balm of the trees as they give you the calm energies. There is no mistake that you have a union with nature. It is entwined with your physical beingness of positivity. Listen to Your Divine tribes in whatever ways that you connect with your divine helpers, teachers and guides.
And of course, we love to come to you and talk to you. It is a great joy and honor for us and we do so with gladness and good tidings. And this particular day has been a special one for us to come. And we say that it has been wonderful to be here with you and to communicate with you and to help you acclimatize and crack open to the new and to breathe into your centeredness. For this is your true Soul selves and we are always so touched that you are in your space with your own soul, authentically open, laid bare. Vulnerable in some aspects, and raw. And yet, true and strong and noble.
When more of you can live in this centeredness and more of you can live in this understanding and more of you can live in this space and this place and communicate from this vibratory frequency, then you begin to heal the Earth and you begin to shift the space into an acclimatized, vibratory frequency of purity, of higher frequency.
All those other societies of Consciousness, that you know of out there in The Ether that are more advanced than yours, started out where you are now. And they grew, and they grew, and they grew with their Collective Consciousness, their vibrational frequency of Harmony, until they rested in this space of energetic purity that they’re all in now.
And you too as humans, there in that society on that Earth plane, with that specific frequency of energy, have the ability to do so as well. It’s like you are on the radio dial and you are a frequency and the radio station needs to be finely tuned You’re on the way to being crystal clear.
Keep up the good work. We Champion you at all times and at every turn for we are the Council of Light. And our task is to shower you with a golden blanket of light. And we will take our leave of you now and say thank you for listening to our words here today, until we are to come to you again, the next time we speak with you in your calendar month of next month, on the first Saturday. We love the organization that you humans have built into your calendars and your structures. It makes it so easy for you to remember these beautiful times of pause.
Until then, go forth in your greatness. Shine on you sparkly diamonds. You are magical and each one of you is a miracle and we love you unconditionally with Source energy. All you have to do is but breathe it in. It is you. It is your Divine Birthright to activate it and acclimatize to it and drink the nectar of it at all times. Oh, no big deal. We say with a little tongue-in-cheek. No big deal at all.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Each one of you, you Blissful Souls. Until next time we wrap you in a golden blanket of light and we bid you adieu. good tidings and good night.
© All Rights Reserved. Laura West, M.Ed., RMT | Divine Lotus Healing, LLC. | January 2022
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