The Energy Pipeline
This message is about the blockage of energy many people are feeling right about now. And, the Council of Light share with us how to stay spiritually connected on a daily basis.
Laura West:
Welcome to this month’s channeled message.
As you know, my name is Laura West and I am the owner of Divine Lotus Healing. I have a practice in
Boston. I’m based in Boston, but I work online with clients as well. I am an Energy Medicine practitioner.
I practice Reiki and I teach Reiki. I am a psychic and medium and a channel, which brings us here today
to listen to the Council of Light whom I’ve been channeling for over a decade for you. And, I work with
plant medicine and in particular, essential oils to shift emotions and psychological mind states and also
substitute plant medicine for conventional medicine for our wellness care, and I have a growing
customer organization of other like-minded souls.
So, let’s get to today’s message. The Council of light are a wonderful group of divine beings and they’re
always here to support us and they come through my work in this format for you in specific messages.
And also if you’d like to have one-on-one work with them, you can schedule a spiritual guidance intuitive
session with me and they will come through that way and give you specific guidance for yourself.
So let’s get to today’s message, shall we? I will pause and let them take over.
Council of Light:
Greetings to you all bright blessings and we send you sprinkled love and cheer to all of you as humanity
that we hold ever so dear. You are all glorious and wonderful beings of light.
You are sacred Souls each of you in your own right. We want to congratulate you for making it this far
there is just one small hurdle at this particular time that you must jump over. Many of you are feeling
there is a roadblock in front of you. Many of you are feeling that you are stuck. Many of you are feeling
like you are sitting and spinning in circles and that energy is almost through. We want you to know that
there will be clarity and you will move forward in your emotional state, in your financial state, in your
physical state, in your state of productivity with your work and with the things that bring you joy in your
There has been a small kink in the chain, a tiny hold up in the energetics if you will, and the pipeline is
blocked and the spiritual realm of guides and Angelic Masters and teachers and healers and light beings
of all kinds are working on some general maintenance to clean it up. To help the energy channel, the
energy connection, the energy cord that runs through and through and through connect very deeply to
each one of you.
You are all tethered.
You are all connected.
Not in a way that binds you or makes you become the property of the light. We don’t mean to suggest
that in any day or night, but you are all connected through columns, through energy connection,
through chords of light frequency to the Divine. Some of you call it God Source. Some of you call it
Angels. Some of you call it Spirit Guides. Some of you call it Enlightenment.
It’s all okay, whatever you decide. And yet we are telling you here today that there is this connection
cord that has been bunched, or kinked if you will, and we from the spiritual realm of the light are
working on smoothing it out and making ever so taught and tight so that the energy flow is fluid and
crystal clear for all of you so that you can move forward in a ever so dear connection space to your own zones of light and peace and joy and zen. So how do you know if you are connected through and
through and back again?
We want you to know that it is easy. If you practice a spiritual connection every single day as part of
your beingness, you will begin to notice when you are out of alignment. You feel the vibration and the
frequency of sacredness around you now as we speak these words to you here today.
This is a very, very special feeling. You are in the element of the light. You are in the dimension of the
zone, ever so tight. And this is the space that you can enter into the more you practice. Being still,
breathing, being calm, allowing yourself to ground your energies into the Earth and strengthen and
fortitude your energies into the sky.
We practice this with you frequently.
When you are in your rational mind, when you are in your ego selves, when you are being swayed by
your social media and sway by the voices of others soapboxing around you, you are not in your element.
You are not in your light. You are not in connection with the sacred Divine. You are being swayed by the
bass harmonics of Humanity on that Earth plane that is so dense with energy, so thick in fact that we
refer to it as pea soup. You know when you feel like you are stuck in that space.
It is hard to move forward with any kind of Grace.
It is hard for you to wash light through your heart.
It is hard for you to make judgments that are free from anything that is distraught.It can be related to personal relationships with others. It can be related to the beingness with the Divine.
We wish to remind you that here and now when you practice and you are content and you take time to
be in this space and in this place, you are able to connect with the frequencies and the harmonies of the
Continue returning to this mindful practice. Continue returning to the space of openness to your divine
Remember always that you come from the light. You are humans and you have sparks of light ever so
bright that you are meant to be using on that Earth plane. For the goodness and the evolution of
humanity over and over and over again.
We’re always here with all the other Divine beings to propel you, to push you, to move you forward, to
buoy you up, to bolster you, to champion you, and to give you peaceful guiding loving instructions.
You have free will so you can choose to follow everything we say to do. Or, you can choose to ignore it,
or you can come and go through and in and out with dips and within intensities and with focus and with
separation. We don’t suggest that there is anyone right and true path for each of you.
For you all have unique circumstances and you all have your environmental impacts and you all have
your stressors but the more you practice being in this space with us, the more you practice the energetic
harmonics of your Enlightenment connection, the easier it becomes to notice when you are in this
element and when you are in this zone and when you are in this flow. We welcome you to practice this
as if you were practicing training for a road race or a weightlifting competition.
Everyday, come to this space.
Everyday, be prepared to work your spiritual muscles.
Everyday, be prepared to be in alignment with the harmonics and the energetics of our sacred spiritual
And when you do this, it gets easier and easier and easier to live in the flow of the love and the light, this
we do know. There are so many human beings on that earth plane that live lives of monastic secrecy and
sanctuary and they separate themselves from society to allow the most concentrated form of
connection frequency to their Divine sources. Some of them live in communities with each other some
of them live alone as hermits, and we would like to tell you now that you don’t need to do that if it is not
calling you to do so. You can live your modern lives with your cell phones and your technologies and
your internet capabilities. You can live your modern lives connected to your societies in these social
ways. And yet, you can still thrive in your spiritual connection with us and with the other Divine that are
elements of your lives.
We are but one voice that comes to you now in this way, this Council of Light. We are Divine Light
Beings. Sparks of hundreds of thousands of light with consciousness and we draw ourselves ever so tight
and we are around you cloaking you and wrapping you in a golden blanket of light to sustain you to keep
you ever so right, until the next time we are to come to you again with guidance and support and loving
grace and wisdom and healing. As we speak our words to you now in this way you are being
vibrationally cleansed.
And we would also like to say that in the beginning of today’s message we spoke of the kink in the chain
that is blocking the energies from many of you feeling like you can move forward. It is almost freed and
it is almost unlocked. Just a few more days for you on that earth plane until it feels like it is flowing
again. Hold tight and you will be successful.
This is the Council of Light and we are grateful to have come to you in this way. And we thank you for
taking the time to listen to us here today. We’d like to wish you bright blessings and Namaste on this
glorious day for you. You may of course return to our message at any time and participate in receiving
its healing energies over and over again.
Goodbye for now and Namaste.
Laura West:
Thank you for listening with me today to the Council of Light. It’s always a joy for me to bring them
through for folks. I never know what they’re going to say. It’s always a surprise for me as I listen. My ego
energy is stepping to the side when they come through and I’m watching and observing as they filter
through and allow themselves to come through my voice box. So it’s a lovely process and I thank you all
for being here with me until next time.
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