Divine Lotus Healing Council of Light Channeled Message on the Concept of Trust

Council of Light Channeled Message through Laura West

Saturday, July 3, 2010
Time: 3:41pm
Topic: Trust

Channeled Message on Trust

[bctt tweet=”Trust is hard for adults. #CouncilofLight” username=”divinelotusheal”]

Good day to you Laura. We are glad you are here and we say to you now that we see you are dedicated to your channeling sessions with us even though this is a long holiday weekend (4th of July in USA) for many people in your area.

We would like to talk to you today about the topic of trust because we see that you are working on this concept and we know that if you are, then so are others. Trust is hard for adults. For example, we see that it is hard for you as an adult, to trust that this process called channeling is real and not in your mind’s eye. But, we say to you that you keep doing fine. And, you keep coming back. And, each time you come back we are here. And, we are here because we are real. Now, we do not mean to imply that you are bad for a part of your mind not believing that we exist. We need to say that the brain in human form is a very powerful and sometimes convoluted tool that science has yet to fully uncover.

So, there is a part of your brain that turns on in your waking moments and sends you signals that you should not believe in these experiences that you have been having all these months with us. And, it is your job to overcome this irrational fear and trust fully and believe. We see that you do trust and that you do believe and we acknowledge that it is real enough for you so that you continue to channel. But, deep down inside, we also see that you harbor a little bit of questioning. It is natural for the human body to harbor this kind of questioning because it helps humans to sense danger or make up their minds during a tricky situation. And, we say too that this is okay.

When a person can learn to honor their inner knowing and their sense of belief in the core then no matter what is going on outside of themselves around them, they will have mastered completely the art of trust. We say to you that we are real although you cannot physically see us with your naked eye as of yet. You or we should say your energy body and auric field are being worked on in order for you to see our shimmering light that radiates in front of you.

When a person meditates or thinks quietly or reflects within themselves, they begin to sense this feeling of trust when it is needed. Many of you become adults with this functioning emotion already in place. Humans have to learn how to trust from the very young age of babyhood. And, they grow with this sense into childhood. And, along the way they have some bumps in the road that teach them when and whom to trust and then when they get to be adults… (Long pause for a couple of minutes at this point)

As adults because of these experiences many of you as humans have put up mental road blocks and you do not allow your selves to open fully to trusting the experiences in your lives. For those of you living in the West, you have been conditioned that unless you can see it with your naked eye, it is not real. And we wish to say to you that spirit and those whom you call ghosts are. You experience them all the time; loved ones who have crossed over send you little messages through synchronicities throughout your day. A song on the radio that reminds you of them perhaps, or that photograph that shows up mysteriously in your drawer of them perhaps, or you’re washing dishes in the kitchen when suddenly it feels as if they are there so you turn but no one is around, these are all exercises in trust that you should practice in order to recognize when spirit is close to you.

It is quite easy for you to begin to see and validate these kinds of experiences. And, the more you can practice recognizing and validating, the easier it becomes. Laura is working on this several times throughout her week in different ways; through meditations, through the classes she teaches, through the synchronicities she experiences. And, her trust is growing every day. And, it may seem shocking or inconceivable to some of you that even somebody as immersed in the field as she is can harbor doubt. But, like we said in the beginning trust is a skill and an emotion that is hard for humans to master. And, your lives present you with opportunities to work on this and become clear.

One thing you can do, which many of you do do, is to ask for a sign or a message if you are seeking the council of loved ones or spirit guides or angel helpers, whomever you are calling upon. But, we wish to say this to you: please do not ask for a sign and then upon receiving the sign throw it out or say, “No, that cannot be,” because the more you say no and throw out your experiences, the harder it becomes for spirit to connect to you. The word no is a word that blocks off energy. And, we encourage you to remove it from your lexicon.

So we challenge you, readers, to ask for a sign from spirit in your life at least once in this coming week and document it. Write it down in your journal or share it with loved ones or better yet, share it here. And, we shall all see validations that you receive. The more you can share your experiences publicly, the more validated you shall feel. We urge you to try and we smile and gently nudge you forward with a loving sweep, much like that of a mother bird, pushing her baby out of the nest so that he may learn to fly.

With that simple request from us we bid you adieu for today. And, we wish you well in the coming week ahead. And, as always, we wrap you in a golden blanket of light to sustain you and keep you for we are the Council of Light and we leave you with blessings. Goodbye and Namaste.

What ways do you trust your spiritual experiences? Share a comment!

om laura