Council of Light Channeled Message
Through Laura West
Sunday, February 14, 2010 time 12:40pm
Topic: Love and Energy
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Hello Laura we are glad you are here. You must prepare and focus for the message ahead. We have a lot to say. Today is a day of love for you there on Earth and we smile and shine down bright stars upon you. (Long pause as I fix the music coming through the iPod…)
Now that you are settled we will begin in earnest. Love is a universal energy that can be felt all the time. A special day is not needed for this to occur. When a mother holds her baby or a dog fetches its stick for its master or somebody takes a walk in nature and feels joy these are all loving experiences.
It is interesting to us that humans have picked one day to show this joy and caring and that you attach items to the day as representations of your affections. It is not necessary to do this. You do not have to give items in order to receive feelings of love. Love is a feeling that starts from within you and spreads out to others. It is an emotion that is like a magnet; like attracts like, love attracts love. And we do not just mean romantic love but pure divine love. It can be romantic. It can be platonic.
Love is a pure emotion and we would like to remind humans that they do not need a special day to tap into that feeling. It is nice to do something for others to bring them joy but it is not needed to feel the feelings every day. Your concept of money in your society has grown over time and it works to highlight and get more through the use of purchasing on these holidays.
To sit across from someone and open your heart chakra to each other is true love. Someone you know or a total stranger. But feeling that connection from soul center to soul center is the love we are talking about. There is nothing wrong with those of you who buy things to show your love. We see that it is a part of your human nature and conditioning and upbringing and we do not judge that of you.
Where we come from the feeling of universal love is everywhere all the time. And showing affections with tokens of specialty is not needed. WE all feel intense joy and bliss for other souls and each other all the time in our waking state. And some day, your planet will be able to do the same thing, if your lower energies do not persist and arise to the top to over take and over shadow the Earth energy plane.
We were in jeopardy of having this happen a long time ago and now we are helping your planet to do the same. There are many groups of souls helping. Long pause. We wish to talk more, now you must focus Laura.
Love is a light vibration. It is felt in the upper chakras where the energy is not as dense. Love does not sink down to the Earth in the same way as energy needing to be restored and healed. It is nice for those of you who remember to send love to your mother Earth so that she knows you are aware of her presence. We talk a lot about sending lower denser energies to the Earth to be transmuted and changed and although she is able to do this, it is nice to send clean fresh energy to the Earth sometimes anyway as a bonus too.
This action is not meant to be done by everyone; only those of you who are in solid spaces of energy so that you may share and not get depleted. You do not want to send love at the risk of not saving any for yourself if you are new to the experience. You might feel depleted and spent after it is done. So, we ask that only those of you who have been practicing in your own columns of light space for a long time be the ones to send rejuvenating energy down to the Earth.
We talk about the Earth a lot because it is the foundation for you on the Earth plane and it needs to be healthy for you to continue to reside there. If the Earth is not healthy then you will not be able to stay there. Your souls will live on but you will not have a place to incarnate- like being homeless in a way.
There are other groups who have gone through this before and experienced not having a planet to reside on in their universe and it was hard and challenging. And they are now helping your planet to not do the same. It is highly beneficial for you to stay there to do your evolutionary work. And, it is important in the spirit of giving, to help you, as a humanity, to stay focused and achieve this goal.
We would like to wish you blessings of love on this day of remembering love in your society. And we remind you that you are always loved every day, all the time, whether you feel it or not. To tap in to this feeling, you just need to ask for it to open and it will be there for you. Please do this on a regular basis to help your higher energies grow strong. We love you on this day of love (Council laughing) and always, everyday. Call on us and we can be there to show you. The guides are standing by. They are waiting for you to ask.
We are the Council of Light and we bid you adieu. We wrap you in a golden blanket of light until we meet again. Goodbye.
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