The Energy of Change Channeled Message

This month's channeled message theme is "The Energy of Change" and relates to the energy that is changing in the next several weeks around us. The Council of Light share specifics about what we need to do, how change affects us and they even give [...]

The Energy of Change Channeled Message2021-11-06T11:15:29-04:00

Take a Fall Rest Channeled Message

Take a Fall Rest This month's channeled message is out and it's all about nourishing our bodies with rest. Join the Council of Light as they lead you through this short, simple exercise of laying down and resting while you listen to their words of [...]

Take a Fall Rest Channeled Message2021-11-06T11:13:35-04:00

Bottleneck Energy Channeled Message

Bottle Neck Energy Channeled Message This month's theme is "Bottleneck Energy" and how we are a bit stuck at the moment. Helpfully, the Council of Light give us tips on how to move through it! VIDEO AUDIO [...]

Bottleneck Energy Channeled Message2021-11-06T11:11:34-04:00

You are the Light Bearers Channeled Message

You Are the Spiritual Light Bearers Have you ever wondered if you are light being? Listen to this message and see if the Council of Light's words resonate with you. If you feel a connection, you are a light being. Welcome to the club! [...]

You are the Light Bearers Channeled Message2021-11-06T11:09:22-04:00

Energy Pipeline Council of Light Channeled Message

The Energy Pipeline This message is about the blockage of energy many people are feeling right about now. And, the Council of Light share with us how to stay spiritually connected on a daily basis. VIDEO AUDIO [...]

Energy Pipeline Council of Light Channeled Message2021-11-06T11:05:27-04:00

Turning a New Leaf Channeled Message

This month's theme is "Turning a New Leaf" and relates to the current situation we are experiencing with the protests and demonstrations all over the world in support of people of color. It is a powerful message of love and made me feel good as [...]

Turning a New Leaf Channeled Message2021-06-12T09:15:00-04:00

Creative Time Channeled Message

This time is a creative time, so the Council of Light tell us, in this channeled message. Enjoy! Video Audio Transcript Laura West: All right, welcome to another edition of the Council of [...]

Creative Time Channeled Message2021-05-11T12:02:30-04:00

Time to Celebrate Channeled Message

The Council of Light share vibrant, celebration energy in this channeled message. Enjoy! Video Audio Transcript Laura West: So, it's really lovely because the Council of Light have been coming for just over [...]

Time to Celebrate Channeled Message2021-04-11T14:28:31-04:00

How to Shift Your Frequency Channeled Message

In this channeled message the Council of Light provide wisdom and teachings on how to shift our vibrational frequency. Video Audio Transcript So the Council of Light have been coming through all day. They get prepped before I come on these [...]

How to Shift Your Frequency Channeled Message2021-03-27T13:10:28-04:00

Welcome to Your Journey: Council of Light Channeled Message

This month's message provides wisdom and teachings around getting started with your goals and accessing your ultimate abilities. It was channeled in front of a live audience in my Cambridge office. Enjoy! VIDEO AUDIO [...]

Welcome to Your Journey: Council of Light Channeled Message2021-03-27T13:32:38-04:00
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